Is Cocoa Bad for Pregnant Women?
Cocoa presents both risks and advantages for pregnant women. If you drink cocoa in the form of hot chocolate, the beverage typically contains a small amount of caffeine. The majority of health care professionals advise against the intake of any caffeine in a pregnancy diet.
Is Vinegar OK for Pregnant Women?
Eating while you're pregnant can be fraught with worry and fear, since certain foods are off-limits, and many more foods exist somewhere in the gray area between danger and complete safety. Rest assured that vinegar is safe to consume during pregnancy.
Silent Reflux and Breastfeeding
Silent reflux is similar to acid reflux in that it’s caused by a reflux of acid from the stomach. Silent reflux, however, gets its name because the acid reaches its way only to the lower esophagus without being spit up, as often happens in infants with acid reflux.
The Impact of Sports on Middle School Students
There are more after school activity options than ever before for middle school students, including clubs, tutoring and sports participation. If your middle schooler participates in sports, you must consider the potential benefits as well as the risk of injury and the demands on the time and energy of young athletes.
The Advantages or Disadvantages of Bottle Feeding
Bottle feeding is the alternative to breast-feeding. Although formula provides all of the nutrients a baby needs to grow and thrive, there are advantages and disadvantages to choosing to feed a baby with formula. These considerations extend not only to the baby but to the mother as well.
Swollen Lips in a Toddler
If your toddler looks like he's been in a back-alley fight -- with swollen, puffy lips -- he may be experiencing an allergic reaction. Take allergic reactions that cause facial swelling seriously, because they can affect your child's breathing.
How to Juice While You're Pregnant
Juicing is an effective way to consume more vitamins and minerals to fill in any nutritional gaps during pregnancy. Fresh juice provides concentrated nutrients for you and your unborn baby without adding the excess calories often found in store-bought juices.
Dos & Don'ts for Newborn Babies
Your newborn baby is vulnerable and dependent on you for appropriate care. Following fundamental safety guidelines established by your pediatrician will ensure your baby is safe and healthy. For the first year of life, your baby will spend most of her time sleeping and eating.
Kids and Compulsive Lying
Like adults, kids often lie for many reasons or for no reason at all. Problematic, habitual lying -- in which a child lies by reflex -- is known as pathological lying or compulsive lying. If this behavior continues into adulthood, it can cause significant problems for your child's personal and social life.
How Soon Can Headaches Start When Pregnant?
Headaches are one of the most commonly reported symptoms among pregnant women. There are a number of likely causes. Some are quite serious, but most pose little threat to the mother or child. If you are pregnant, always keep your doctor apprised of any complications or symptoms you are experiencing.
How Much Water Should My 11-Month-Old Be Drinking?
Milk doesn’t always quench an adult’s thirst, but it does the trick for babies. Breast milk and formula are the main drinks your 11-month-old needs, but once your child starts solid foods around 6 months of age, you can offer small amounts of water.
How to Eat Strawberries During Pregnancy
The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends a diet rich in fruits and vegetables to make sure both you and your baby get the nutrition you need. Strawberries provide calcium, magnesium, vitamin C and other vital nutrition.