The Meaning of Being a Mother
The meaning of being a mother is virtually endless. A mother is a protector, disciplinarian and friend. A mother is a selfless, loving human who must sacrifice many of their wants and needs for the wants and needs of their children.
Is it OK to Eat Honey When Pregnant?
If you are pregnant, you probably feel very protective of your unborn baby. You may worry that drinking diet soda, consuming mercury in fish or even dyeing your hair could negatively affect your pregnancy.
Are Period-Like Symptoms Common When Pregnant?
Symptoms such as breast tenderness, spotting and cramping are experienced by many women during menstrual periods. Sometimes a woman may not be aware that she is pregnant because period-like symptoms are also common during pregnancy.
Rash on Toddler's Bottom
From bright red and scaly to mild pink and itchy, the specific appearance of the rash sprinkled across your toddler’s bottom is a key to its cause. Some of these rashes require a doctor’s attention, but you should be able to get rid of most of them with proper home care.
Coughing with Feeding in Infants
Your infant can cough for many reasons. If your infant coughs during feeding, he might be suffering from gastroesophageal reflux, or GER.
Breastfeeding and Acidic Smell From Bowel Movements
A breastfeeding mother often keeps a close eye on her baby’s bowel movements to help keep track of the baby’s milk intake. While most bowel movements from breastfed babies do not have a strong smell, an acidic smell from your baby’s stool could indicate a dietary sensitivity, or a more serious medical condition.
Stringy Mucus During Breast-Feeding
Keeping track of the contents of a breast-fed baby’s diapers helps breast-feeding mothers ensure baby is getting enough to eat. Mucus in your baby’s diaper is not unusual, even in a breast-fed baby, and most of the time, it is not a cause for medical concern.
Single-Parent Family Social Problems
Although single-parent households are now commonplace in the United States, there are still some stigmas associated with them.
Good Foods to Put Weight on a Baby in the Last Four Weeks of Pregnancy
The best foods for a woman to eat during the last four weeks of pregnancy are essentially the same as what she should eat from the beginning.
About Toddler Arm Flapping
Arm flapping or hand flapping are classic autistic behaviors, but that doesn't mean your child has autism if she does this occasionally. Normal children may flap their hands or arms when they get excited.
The Onset of Allergies After Giving Birth
It's one of the best days of your life. You've given birth to a beautiful baby, but perhaps your bundle of joy is not the only new arrival. You might notice you have developed new allergies after pregnancy. If so, you are not alone. "The New York Times"
Can Pushing on Your Belly Hurt the Baby With Anterior Placenta?
If you have an anterior placenta in pregnancy, it means that the placenta, which nourishes the baby throughout pregnancy, has implanted on the side of the uterus closest to your abdominal wall.