The Signs of a Strawberry Allergy in a Baby
Of all the fruit staples in the average North American diet, the strawberry is the most likely to cause an allergic reaction, according to Dr. Janice Vickerstaff Joneja.
How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy Naturally & Quickly
Trying to lose weight after you give birth can be a challenging process, but you can lose your pregnancy weight without resorting to herbs and supplements.
How to Deal With Back Pain Resulting From Holding Your Baby
New parents expect sleepless nights and frequent diaper changes, but many are unprepared for the physical challenges of holding and carrying an infant for several hours each day. Back pain is a common complaint of new mothers and fathers.
Developmental Milestones Related to Climbing
Climbing is a skill children master incrementally, as they reach developmental milestones for various gross motor skills, according to neurologist Lise Eliot.
Toddlers With Problems Eating Due to Texture
Most toddlers are picky eaters, at least at some point in their development. It's normal for toddlers to resist new foods and to prefer foods of certain textures, although the type of food your toddler likes may change from day to day.
Nutritional Value of Baby Spring Mix
The average American consumes about 30 pounds of lettuce every year, making it second only to potatoes in U.S. vegetable popularity, according to Hidden Valley. Despite this, most Americans still fail to consume at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily, as recommended by the American Cancer Society.
Thick Mucus When Pregnant
Numerous physical changes occur during the months of pregnancy. In addition to the familiar symptoms of weight gain, morning sickness and fatigue, you may notice an increase in sinus mucus and congestion.
How to Get Rid of Hanging Belly After Pregnancy
Loose abdominal muscles, extra skin, fat and a relaxed pelvic girdle all help create the hanging belly look after pregnancy. You can get that pre-pregnancy body back -- albeit with some battle-wounds -- but it is going to take time and effort. Just giving birth alone helped you shed about 10 pounds.
What Should a 16-Month-Old Eat?
Watching your toddler enjoy new foods and look forward to eating can be rewarding. By the time your baby is 16 months old, he can eat most solid foods.
Bruising in a Newborn
Contrary to your dreams of what your baby will look like, a newborn is not always pretty. Skin discolorations and eruptions, including bruising, are common in newborns and most of the time, are nothing to worry about. Discuss concerns about your newborn's bruising with your pediatrician.
The Impact of Parenting Styles on Children's Development
How you respond to and discipline your children greatly affects how they develop, both cognitively and socially. A child’s development process is influenced by a mixture of all the stimuli he comes into contact with, both with individuals and with his environment.
Night Tremors in Children
Nightmares and night terrors are common for small children, but night tremors are a rare occurrence. Night tremors may or may not be a cause for medical concern, but parents should note symptoms and consult a medical professional.