Can Eating Too Much Protein Be Dangerous While Pregnant?

Protein is essential during pregnancy, and without sufficient amounts, your baby won't grow normally. Regularly consuming more protein than you need, however, can also impede your baby's development. Avoid either of these problems by learning how much is enough and how to go about getting exactly what you need.

Which Vitamins Should You Take After Having a Baby?

For the 40 weeks you carry a child, you're constantly concerned about whether the nutrients you're putting into your body are giving your baby what he needs. After you deliver your baby, you shouldn't stop thinking about it -- your body needs the right vitamins to help heal itself.

How to Bake Apples for a Baby

Apples contain soluble and insoluble fiber, both of which can help keep a baby’s bowel movements regular. In addition, apples have high amounts of potassium, calcium and vitamins A, C and E. According to Wholesome Baby Food, you should introduce apples into your baby’s diet when the child is 6 to 8 months.

How to Lose Weight While on Glipizide

Glipizide is a diabetes drug designed to help your body process sugar. In a normal person, the pancreas helps the body store excess sugar by releasing insulin in the proper amounts to give you energy. Diabetics do not store sugar properly, however, and instead, sugar remains in the bloodstream.

Abnormal Soft Spots on a Baby

When your baby is born, he has six soft spots around his skull. The anterior fontanelle is the one that you are most familiar with, as it is the most prominent and takes the longest to close. Soft spots are gaps between your child's skull bones that allow for rapid brain growth.

Can Eating Too Much Sugar Affect Your Breast Milk?

It is well established that breastfeeding is the superior method of feeding an infant. Companies that make infant formula have attempted to imitate the composition of human breast milk, but no substitute exists.

Multivitamin With Calcium for Infants

Calcium is a mineral crucial for the healthy development of teeth and bones, as well as muscle function, nerve transmission and hormone secretion. The dietary reference intake -- called the DRI -- for calcium depends on an individual's age.

Disadvantages to Eating Yogurt for Kids

Yogurt offers several health benefits, including protein and probiotics, but may not be a good choice for all children. If your child has health problems, talk with her doctor about whether yogurt is a healthy option to include in her diet.

Gasping in Babies & Toddlers

Gasping behavior in infants and toddlers means that they aren't getting enough air. Many times, this indicates that the airway is obstructed. Gasping can indicate a number of serious conditions.

Lethargic Symptoms in Kids

If your child is normally full of energy, showing symptoms of lethargy can make you concerned he is experiencing an underlying medical condition. While lethargy resembles fatigue, it is typically accompanied by an underlying cause beyond missing a few minutes of sleep per night.

What to Do With a Bored 10-Year-Old

Boredom can help children develop problem-solving skills and creativity. It also can alert you to problems, such as anxiety or loneliness. Once you've talked to your child and ruled out an underlying problem, you need to help him learn to entertain himself.

Herbalife Diet While Pregnant

During pregnancy, the average woman should consume about 2,500 calories a day instead of the approximately 2,100 calories necessary before pregnancy. Consumption of any health or supplement product during pregnancy should contribute to these caloric needs, rather than restrict them.