Can Your Heart Muscle Ache After First Starting to Exercise?

Since the heart is a muscle, you may wonder if it will ache like other muscles when you first start to exercise. Unlike other muscles, your heart never gets out of shape from lack of exercise; your heart beats every day, every hour, every minute, no matter what you do.

Can Glycerin Suppositories Make Your Stomach Hurt?

Glycerin sweetens cough syrups, makes hand lotions more effective and keeps commercial baked goods tender. When taken as a suppository, the non-toxic and water-soluble compound acts as a laxative. Like many other laxatives, glycerin can cause intestinal cramping, although the side effects are generally mild.

My Toddler Has Pain Walking After a Shot

Vaccines and flu shots generally are considered safe by health officials. However, like any medication, a vaccine or flu shot can cause side effects, notes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is possible for your toddler to have pain walking after receiving a shot.

Pimple Breakout With Strep

Group A streptococcus – sometimes called “group A strep” – is a bacterium that often lives in your throat and on your skin. Although simply carrying the bacterium won’t always cause symptoms of an illness, group A streptococcus can cause infections, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The Best Ways to Clean a Dr. Brown Bottle Warmer

Dr. Brown’s is a company that specializes in baby bottles and accessories. The deluxe bottle warmer heats up most sizes of baby bottles efficiently and quickly, according to the manufacturer’s website. The bottle warmer is also useful in helping to warm up jars of baby food. The user’s manual that accompanies the Dr.

Parenting a 20-Year-Old Daughter

It's easy to establish parental authority with small children who rely on their parents for basic care. The role of a parent becomes less defined when the child in question is actually a young adult.

Is It Safe to Fall Asleep While Breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is a natural and generally safe practice. It can help prevent infections and reduce the risk of cot death, or sudden infant death syndrome, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

Can Eating Peas or Squash as a First Food Cause Severe Constipation in Babies?

A high-fiber content means that both peas and squash should make healthy first foods and neither should result in constipation. That said, when starting any new solid, remember to introduce it at intervals while maintaining your baby's liquid diet to avoid complications.

How to Avoid Getting Newborn Sick When a Toddler is Sick

For young parents, few things are more distressing than having a sick toddler. However, one of them is having a sick toddler at the same time as you have a newborn. Managing to care for both children, while minimizing the risk to your infant, is a tall order.

How Much Bigger Will My Belly Get Every Week in Pregnancy?

Watching your belly grow as your baby develops is one of the many joys of being pregnant. However, the state of your belly also can be a source of concern, particularly if your belly starts showing much faster than a pregnant friend’s belly or you aren’t showing at all into your fifth month.

Sharp Pain in the Cervix With Fetal Movement

Fetal movement is a welcome indication of fetal well-being, but your baby’s movements can be distracting and disconcerting when they cause pain. It is not uncommon for women to experience discomfort in the ribcage, abdomen or cervix when the fetus moves a limb or changes position inside the uterus.

Pregnant With Low Back Pain & a Lot of Tightening of the Stomach

As your body prepares to host another life for a few months, several changes take place. A rapid increase in hormones prepares your womb and body for many of the demands required to support another human being.