How to Help a Baby With Feet Swelling
If your baby is suffering from swollen feet, take him to a doctor to get a thorough checkup. While the swelling might be a symptom of a more serious disease, such as sickle cell anemia, it might be nothing more than a rash or the current texture and shape of your child's feet.
Salivation In Babies
Babies begin drooling at about 3 months of age, according to pediatrician Howard Bennett. Some babies drool a little bit; other babies seem to drool constantly.
How Should You Carry Breast Milk in a Diaper Bag?
Breast milk is healthy for your baby and safe to carry in a diaper bag. Breast milk contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins. It also contains living cells called leukocytes that help fight infection. These are not found in baby formula.
Does Teething Cause an Increase in Dirty Diapers
Any parent of a teething baby will tell you that teething can cause an increase in drooling, chewing behavior and general fussiness. But, does it also cause an increase in dirty diapers? For some parents, the answer may be a resounding "yes,"
Can Babies Get Hives From Teething?
Teething is an uncomfortable condition that babies experience when their teeth start to break through their gums. Many symptoms are common with teething, but hives is not generally associated with the condition.
How to Deal With a Kid Who is Pretending to Be Sick
Children might pretend they are sick so that they can avoid certain activities such as going to school or doing a chore. How to deal with such behavior depends on a number of factors including the age of your child and the reason he is faking an illness.
What Diet Should I Follow in the Eighth Month of Pregnancy?
In the eighth month of pregnancy, you've reached the home stretch. Your baby still has some growing to do at this stage and you need to build yourself up for labor and delivery.
Toenail Injury Due to Walking
Walking is an easy aerobic exercise that burns calories and helps keep the heart healthy. There are few drawbacks, but black toenail is a common problem. Regular walkers are most often afflicted with black toenail. If shoes do not fit right, the toes tend to bang around.
What Reputable Stores Sell the Oral HCG Supplement?
Human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG for short, is a natural hormone that women produce during pregnancy. Proponents of the HCG diet claim that consuming oral HCG supplements helps boost your metabolism, resulting in rapid weight loss.
Breastfeeding & Extreme Fatigue
Breastfeeding is a healthy feeding decision that supplies your infant with the nutrients and antibodies he needs for his health, and to protect him from certain illnesses. The website Women's Health, a service of the U.S.
Can Your Hormones Make You Think You Are Pregnant?
Pregnancy starts at the point of conception when the sperm of a male fuses with the egg of a female. This can lead to several changes in your body. In fact, most women opt for a pregnancy test only after they observe symptoms such as missed periods and tender breasts.
Are Raisins Dangerous for Children?
Small children choke easily due to their small airways, decreased cough reflex and unfortunate tendency to put things in their mouth. Every five days, an American child dies from choking, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.