What Causes a Gliding Sensation in the Uterus during Pregnancy?

Pregnancy causes many rapid changes in a woman's body, particularly in the uterus. Before pregnancy, it's unlikely that you feel or notice your uterus, but during pregnancy most women become acutely aware of this rapidly stretching organ.

Is Seared Tuna Safe in Pregnancy?

Fish is a low-fat source of protein that also contains beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends that most people eat fish twice a week, and pregnant women should follow this guideline also.

Should Babies Eat While Lying Down?

Some babies like to lie on their backs and drink from a bottle, but this is not always the best position for your baby to take her bottle, since it could increase her risk for certain health problems. It's important to feed your baby her bottle or breastfeed her in a safe position.

How to Get Children to Stop Biting the Inside of Their Mouths

Many children and adults have nervous habits that can cause physical harm. Deliberate cheek or tongue biting might fit into this category. There could be a physical cause for this habit, it may occur from nervousness or a youngster might bite the inside of her mouth accidentally.

Green Beans and Solid Foods With Baby Constipation

If your baby has dry, hard stools, she may be constipated. Babies follow their own schedules for defecation; you cannot identify irregularity by comparing your baby's bowel movements to a typical schedule for other children. However, if your baby defecates less often than is usual for her, she may need to see a doctor.

Can Formula Make a Baby's Cough Worse?

When you hear your baby cough, it may cause you to worry, but his cough is a common reflex that helps protect his airways, notes Kids Health. It may happen because of irritations or it could be removing secretions from his lungs, according to HealthyChildren.org.

Can Pregnant Women Eat Porgy Fish?

If you're pregnant, you're probably aware of the risk of eating fish high in mercury. Mercury can cause central nervous system disorders, including brain damage and nervous system damage. But mercury isn't the only contaminant that can cause problems to your baby.

Is It Normal if My Newborn's Face Gets Red When She Is Moving Around?

Since newborns seem so small and fragile, it is natural to worry about your baby's health and safety. If your newborn develops a red face while she is moving around, you may think something is wrong. In most cases, however, your newborn's red face is normal and doesn't indicate a serious problem.

How to Improve Eye Contact With a Toddler

Appropriate eye contact plays an important role in nonverbal communication. In the United States, good eye contact demonstrates self-confidence, helps communicate emotion and lets someone know you are interested and paying attention to what he says.

Head Circumference vs. Chest Size

The relationship of the circumference of the head to the circumference of the chest in infants and children changes with age. These measurements are routinely taken by the pediatrician and can alert him or her to abnormalities in the brain or in overall body growth.

Drinking Plum Juice With Fiber for Losing Weight

People often tout the benefits of prune juice for weight loss, but prunes are just dried plums. Plum juice is full of antioxidants and fiber, two substances that may help you lose weight. Drinking plum juice may also improve your health in other ways, but speak to your doctor before modifying your diet.

Climbing the Stairs at 37 Weeks Pregnant

At 37 weeks gestation, your baby is about 18 inches long and 6 or 7 pounds -- although your belly may look as if it is much larger, according to the American Pregnancy Association. This can complicate even everyday activities, including climbing the stairs.