Foods to Accelerate the Growth of Malnourished Children

While chronic malnutrition in the United States is rare, it does affect about 1 percent of U.S. kids, and many others suffer from dietary imbalances, according to Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. The Child Welfare League of America reports that 3.1 percent of households in the United States experience hunger.

Signs to Show You Are Still Growing for a Male

Expanding grocery lists and empty refrigerators are often the first indicators to parents that their sons have started the rapid growth associated with adolescence. Once puberty begins, a boy may continue to grow for another five to six years before reaching his adult size.

My Child Is Unable to Show Empathy

Empathy -- the ability to feel for others and mentally put yourself in their place -- develops as a child ages. Because empathy is learned, you as a parent can help foster empathetic behavior and understanding. At certain ages, a lack of empathy is a perfectly normal developmental trait.

Is Nonalcoholic Beer Safe During Pregnancy?

Pregnant women put their newborns at risk for birth defects if they drink alcohol during pregnancy. You may try to avoid the risk while pregnant by resorting to nonalcoholic beer, but even these beverages may contain small amounts of alcohol.

Peppermint & Kidneys

Your kidneys remove waste and excess water from your blood, releasing them as urine. When your kidneys don't work properly, this process is affected and kidney disorders may be a result. Some forms of peppermint are not recommended for people with certain kidney disorders, but may be beneficial for others.

What Kind of Beans Are Good for Babies?

Beans are a major source carbohydrates, protein and fiber. They are filled with important nutrients including iron, calcium, B vitamins and fiber that help nourish your baby's growing body. They can be mashed or pureed, or an older baby can enjoy them in their whole form.

How to Get Your Baby to Unlatch Without Hurting You

Breastfeeding may be natural, but it doesn't always come easily to new moms. Getting the baby to latch on properly and then to release the nipple when he's done prevents injury to the nipple. If breastfeeding causes pain, you may become fearful of nursing.

Does Early Pregnancy Make You Disgusted by Coffee?

An aversion to certain foods and drinks, including coffee, is one common symptom of early pregnancy. While pregnancy symptoms differ from woman to woman, many women experience a disgust for coffee while in their first trimester of pregnancy.

What Are the Causes of Newborns Not Eating?

Newborns need to eat every few hours, since their stomachs don't hold very much milk at one time. It may take a few days for your baby to wake up and start eating normally after birth. A newborn that suddenly stops eating after that needs medical evaluation, unless you're offering feedings too close together.

Does Sugar Permanently Stunt Growth in Children?

How tall your child grows is largely a matter of genetics, but nutrition plays an important role, too. Without a healthy, balanced diet, your child may not grow normally, explains Jo Anne Hattner, registered dietitian and pediatric specialist at the American Dietetic Association, in Parents magazine.

What Is the Difference Between First-Stage and Second-Stage Baby Food?

The vast array of different stages and flavors of baby food on store shelves can be overwhelming, and might leave you wondering what you should feed your baby. Many brands of baby food are sold in stages, which can help you determine what kinds of foods and how much you should serve your little one.

How to Help My Child's Immaturity

Developmental milestones for emotional and social skills can help you decide if your child lacks maturity. Keep in mind that children develop at different rates, so immaturity isn't always a cause for concern.