What Are the Benefits of a Two-Parent Household?

Even with the rise in single-parent families, most children still live in two-parent households. Depending on the state, anywhere from 53 to 79 percent lived with two parents in 2011, according to the national KIDS COUNT program.

Teething & Screaming in Infants

Most babies begin to teethe when they are between 6 and 8 months old, but the process can begin as early as 3 months, according to the National Institutes of Health's website, MedlinePlus. Teething can be an uncomfortable time for your baby and result in mild to moderate irritability and screaming.

Frequent Periods in Teenagers

Teen girls don't always have regular periods, particularly when they first start menstruating. Over time, however, most girls experience regular periods that occur, on average, every 21 to 45 days.

The Effects of Bad Parenting on Children

Parents tend to underestimate the influence that they have on their children, according to a 2007 study that the Joseph Rowntree Foundation conducted. In 2011, the UK’s Department for Education found that children who are exposed to bad parenting are two times more likely to misbehave.

When Can You Stop Using Baby Gates?

Baby safety gates can be placed around your home to keep your little one safe from falling down the stairs and from getting into places he shouldn’t. Unfortunately, at a certain point, the gates will not keep your child contained and should be removed.

What Effects Do Parental Expectations Have on Kids?

Parental expectations help nurture your child's sense of self-esteem and encourage healthy development. When expectations are set unrealistically high -- or, on the other hand, ridiculously low -- children's personalities and sense of self-worth are negatively affected.

How to Make Shots for Preteens Hurt Less

Even your older preteen can dread shots just as much as a toddler or preschooler. No matter how old your child gets, shots still hurt. If your preteen has an upcoming appointment to receive immunizations or another type of shot, you can help ease his fears as well as lessen the pain associated with the needle prick.

Ideas for Kids to Dress Up Like Old People

During elementary school, kids are often encouraged to dress up as 100-year-olds for the 100th day of school. Other times, they may just want to be senior citizens for Halloween. This costume is simple as long as you have a few key items, which can often be picked up at thrift stores or from friends and relatives.

Making Teen Boys Do Their Homework

You were a teen once, which is why you know firsthand that it may not be fun for your teenage son to do his homework, but as soon as he’s done he’ll have all weekend to focus on the fun stuff. You are intelligent enough to see it that way now, but your teenage son may not see it that way just yet.

Do School Uniforms Negatively Affect Kids' Behavior?

The pros and cons of students wearing school uniforms is a hotly debated topic with supporters on both sides passionately holding to their stances.

Disadvantages of Teen Curfews

Although adolescents need limits and guidelines to keep them in check during the teen years, some rules push the process over the top. As you contemplate your teenager’s curfew, learn the negative aspects of this teen rule to educate yourself thoroughly.

How to Control Emotions in Pre Teen Girls

Your preteen daughter is a raging mess of hormones, which means she might be overly sensitive, dramatic and moody.