How to Maintain Breast Size After Pregnancy
A woman's breasts can easily grow one to two cup sizes over the course of her pregnancy. But after birth, many women lose this added volume in their breasts, and some women's breasts become even smaller than they were before giving birth.
The Best Sleeping Position for a Baby
In the early days of caring for a newborn, parents may be desperate for sleep. While getting that needed sleep is important, parents must ensure that their babies are in a safe sleeping space and position.
Signs of Infection After a C-Section
C-sections (cesarean sections) involve making an incision in the abdomen to allow for the delivery of an infant from the uterus. This surgical removal of the baby is performed when vaginal birth is not possible due to complications that could make a vaginal birth dangerous to the mother or child.
Long-Term Effects of Having a C-Section
A C-section, or caesarean delivery of a baby, requires an incision in the abdomen to remove the baby. C-sections can be planned, unexpected or emergency surgery procedures. Some C-sections are necessary for the health of the baby and the mother.
The Effects of Using a Baby Pacifier
The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) explains that pacifier use has both pros and cons. Pacifier use is not necessarily harmful, reports the Mayo Clinic, but there are potential negative effects on things like tooth development and feeding habits of older children.
Puberty Facts for Girls
When discussing puberty with your daughter, be open and direct with her about the new changes she will soon experience. Encourage her to come to you with any questions or concerns she has.
Signs of Internal Bleeding After a C-Section
Cesarean section is the most common surgery performed in the United States; nearly one third of all deliveries are cesarean sections, according to the Center for Disease Control. Bleeding can occur from the uterine or skin incision, from the placental attachment site, or from a nicked or damaged blood vessel.
How to Get Pregnant After a Laparoscopy
Fertility doctors often use laparoscopic surgery to take a look at a woman’s internal organs to find out why she is having trouble getting pregnant. The surgery is usually done on an outpatient basis and is performed by inserting a camera through a small incision in the abdomen.
The Advantages of Checking a Baby's Heartbeat
Checking the fetal heart rate gives important clues into an unborn baby’s health and well being. Even as early as 6 weeks into a pregnancy, assessing the fetal heartbeat can help doctors determine if potential problems with the pregnancy exist.
How to Get Newborn Babies to Sleep at Night
Newborns sleep up to 16 hours a day, according to KidsHealth, but it doesn’t always feel like that to new moms and dads when they are up feeding, changing, rocking and walking the floor with a baby in the middle of the night.
5 Things You Need to Know About Low Blood Sugar and Pregnancy
Changes in hormones cause some women to become diabetic during pregnancy even though they never suffered from the condition before.
Creative Punishments for Youth Forgetting Homework
If you've gotten yet another call from your child's school reporting that he's forgotten his homework, you're probably out of patience. Whether your child is forgetful or just doesn't want to do his homework, he needs to get it done anyway.