The Definition of Parent Involvement

Parental involvement refers to the amount of participation a parent has when it comes to schooling and her child's life. Some schools foster healthy parental involvement through events and volunteer opportunities, but sometimes it's up to the parents to involve themselves with their children's education.

How to Read an Equate Pregnancy Test

The Equate Pregnancy Test, which is available at Wal-Mart for approximately $4, is a urine test that detects the pregnancy hormone known as human Chorionic Gonadotropin, or hCG, as early as the first day of a missed period.

Menopause Vs Pregnancy Symptoms

Even though pregnancy signals an increase--and menopause results from a decrease--in hormones, they result in a few similar symptoms. Most women of child-bearing age will not stop to think that their symptoms might mean menopause.

Risks in First Trimester of Pregnancy

The first trimester, or three months, of pregnancy, can present many risks to the developing fetus. Because organs, facial features, skeletal tissue and limbs are developing at this time, any negative affect on the fetus can result in serious birth defects.

How to Switch Baby Formulas

The market has plenty of choices for infant formula: cow's-milk based formula, soy formula, organic or non-organic. Choosing the right formula for your baby requires communication with your pediatrician and a bit of trial and error.

Y Linked Genetic Diseases

Every human being has 46 chromosomes, including two chromosomes (X ,Y) that determine gender. The Y chromosome is unique to males. Inheriting an X chromosome from the mother and a Y chromosome from the father makes the child male.

About Lower Abdominal Pain During Ovulation Cycle

Abdominal pain can be a sign of many different health concerns, but some women experience a non-threatening—although sometimes intense—pain as a normal part of the ovulation cycle. About once every 26 to 28 days, a previously immature egg in one of the ovaries develops and bursts out of the ovary.

How to Get Kids to Stop Wetting Their Pants

Once you have finished potty training, you may think that your days of accidents are behind you. However, some children may start wetting themselves down the road. Before you try to correct this behavior, you should rule out any medical or psychological causes.

The Pros and Cons of Child Discipline

Parents discipline their children in an effort to teach them appropriate ways to behave. Their morals and values are also conveyed through appropriate discipline techniques.

Safe Medications for the First Trimester of Pregnancy

The first trimester of your pregnancy is a period of rapid development for your baby. You should be extremely cautious taking any type of medication, unless you know it is considered safe. Most women try to use non-pharmacological methods before using medication. However, sometimes medications are necessary.

How to Teach a Baby to Swallow Food

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends waiting until your infant is at least six months old to begin introducing solid foods. Solid food, in terms of feeding infants, refers to food of greater consistency than milk.

How to Get Pregnant If You Are Fat

Being overweight affects your chances of getting pregnant. A study reported by Barbara Luke of Michigan State University looked at pregnancy rates in 50,000 women undergoing assisted reproductive technology procedures.