What Are Signs of Pregnancy at 13 Weeks?

At the end of your 13th week of pregnancy you are at the beginning of your second trimester. Your baby is almost 3 inches long and weighs almost an ounce, according to Baby Center. It is important to realize that not all women experience the same symptoms at the same time.

Meal Plan for Overweight Kids

Because children, especially young children, require proper nutrition daily to grow and develop at an appropriate pace, severely restricting an overweight child’s calorie intake is generally not a good idea -- unless your doctor recommends it.

Causes of Vaginal Bleeding During an Ectopic Pregnancy

One of 60 pregnancies is ectopic, or growing outside of the uterus. Vaginal bleeding is common in early pregnancy, occurring in 20 percent to 30 percent of all pregnancies, the American Pregnancy Association says. Vaginal bleeding in ectopic pregnancy can be heavier than bleeding seen in intrauterine pregnancies.

Causes of Weight Gain During First Month of Pregnancy

During the first month of pregnancy, your baby-to-be grows at a rapid rate. But he's only about 1/5 of an inch long 4 weeks after conception, still not large enough to account for any weight gain by himself. Most women gain very little weight related to pregnancy itself during the first month.

How to Calculate When I Should Take a Pregnancy Test

According to the National Institutes of Health, pregnancy tests performed at home are about 98 percent accurate when used properly according to the package directions. Pregnancy tests detect a hormone called HCG, for human chorionic gonadotropin, which is also referred to as the pregnancy hormone.

How to Get Middle School Kids Organized

Middle school is a time of transition for students. They are expected to leave behind the supports of elementary school and grow into the challenges of high school. One common area of concern is organizational skills.

Reasons Parents Give Their Babies Up for Adoption

When a woman places her baby up for adoption, she isn’t making the choice to give up. Instead, she’s choosing a life for her child, according to the American Adoptions website. The decision for a mother or birth parents to place a baby up for adoption isn’t always simple.

What Does My Unborn Baby Look Like at 6 Weeks?

Week 6 of pregnancy is considered early pregnancy and is about halfway through the first trimester. Some women find out they are pregnant around this time. Babies at this stage can be measured with an ultrasound, although many details may be difficult to see.

How to Find a Child You Gave Up for Adoption

The decision to search for a child you gave up for adoption can be challenging, both emotionally and practically. Some birth parents prefer to conduct a passive search.

Progesterone Levels in the First Trimester of Pregnancy

Progesterone is an important hormone in fertility and pregnancy and is sometimes called the hormone of pregnancy. It plays a vital role in developing and maintaining a healthy placenta and fetus, particularly during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Teething & Congestion

Teething and congestion may occur at the same time, but it doesn't mean the former causes the latter. In fact, congestion is not a symptom associated with teething, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

When Should a Baby Be Moved From a Bassinet to a Crib?

Placing your baby in a bassinet to sleep can be cozy for her and convenient for you. When you like to keep your baby near you at night, a bassinet offers a safe and comfortable sleeping environment. Eventually, your baby will reach the point where it's time to move her from the bassinet to a crib for sleeping.