How to Cover a Baby to Sleep
You may think that your baby needs a soft, fluffy blanket in order to sleep comfortably, but the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission actually discourages the usage of blankets in your baby's crib. Blankets can cover your baby's nose and mouth, causing him to suffocate.
The Importance of Physical Play in Child Development
Physical play includes activities that use physical movements to allow children to use their energy, and it gives children the chance to develop gross and fine motor skills, learn new things and socialize. Physical play also benefits a child’s health.
Characteristics of a Premature Baby
Depending on how early delivery occurs during pregnancy, a premature baby can have different characteristics than a full-term baby. Over time, the characteristics become less noticeable.
3 Periods in 1 Month and Signs of Pregnancy
It’s not possible to have three actual menstrual periods in 1 month and still have signs of being pregnant. It’s possible, however, to have three bleeding episodes that look like periods in 1 month and still be pregnant.
Negative Effects of Computers on Children
Today's computers have changed the lives of children of all ages. While this technology can be an amazing thing to enjoy and use for learning and entertainment, it can also have sometimes unseen effects on your child’s health and development.
Baby's First Table Foods
For the first year of a baby's life, baby formula or breast milk should be the mainstay of her diet. Once your baby is six months old, she is ready for pureed baby foods.
How to Tell if Your Child Is Smoking Pot
More and more kids are smoking pot. The National Institute on Drug Abuse found, in its 2012 Monitoring the Future survey of eighth, 10th and 12th graders, that 36 percent of high school seniors and 11 percent of eighth graders had smoked it in the previous year.
Signs and Symptoms to Worry About at 14 Weeks Pregnant
When you are 14 weeks pregnant, you have just completed your first trimester. While more miscarriages occur in the first trimester than at any other time, pregnancy complications can still develop after this time.
Signs Before Your First Period
Menstruation (a period) is a sign that a girl’s body is able to conceive a child. While one girl may be excited at the prospect of becoming a young woman, another may be fearful of her first period and its implication that her childhood is coming to an end.
What Do You See in a 6-Week Sonogram of a Baby?
At six weeks, some doctors perform a sonogram, also called an ultrasound, to determine the health or viability of the developing embryo. This is generally the earliest that anything is visible on an ultrasound, although at this point it will not look much like a baby, since development is still in the early stages.
The Psychological Impact of Puberty
Your sweet, good-natured child can turn into a completely different person when going through puberty. During this stage, adolescents experience many physical and psychological changes that can result in confusion, anger and rebellion.
The Effects of a Single Parent Home on a Child's Behavior
According to 2012 U.S. Census Bureau information, the number of children reared in single-parent households continues to rise. Children with two parents in the home -- earning two incomes -- tend to have better financial and educational advantages.