How Can I Replace Electrolytes Without Drinking Gatorade?
Electrolyte replacement can make the difference between finishing a marathon and being transported to a hospital in critical condition halfway through the race. Electrolytes are small ions, or charged particles, that are essential for nerve and muscle function.
Can Certain Foods Increase Blood in the Human Body?
Blood consists of red and white blood cells, platelets and plasma -- the liquid component in the blood. Concerns about ways to increase blood in the body are typically referring to the plasma and red blood cells, as these make up the largest part of the blood.
Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass Side Effects
Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass is a high-calorie, high-protein supplement intended to promote increases in lean muscle mass and weight. While Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass may help you gain muscle when used in conjunction with a workout program, it may also trigger unpleasant side effects.
Health Benefits of Raw Coconut Meat
The coconut grows on the coconut palm tree, which thrives in tropical climates. While coconuts are a large part of the diet for many people who live in tropical regions, many people from colder regions have never eaten raw coconut meat.
Is Our Loneliness Killing Us?
The world is currently facing a loneliness epidemic. Here’s why loneliness is a problem and what you can do about it.
LIVESTRONG's 2017 Wellness Predictions
Our LIVESTRONG editors have their fingers on the pulse of the latest trends in fitness, food and wellness. Here are our predictions for what's hot in 2017.
Pineapple Side Effects
With its rough and textured skin and a crown of spiky green leaves, the pineapple doesn’t appear to be a very appealing fruit from the outside. But once you cut the citrus fruit open, it presents a vibrant yellow, juicy flesh with a sweet flavor and delicious aroma.
Mass-Tech Side Effects
Mass-Tech is a supplement manufactured by the sports nutrition company MuscleTech. This product is intended to help you gain weight when used along with a resistance training program. Mass-Tech is high in calories and protein, so it may help you achieve muscle growth.
Evening Primrose and Pregnancy
Evening primrose is a flowering plant that is native to North America. Its oil, which is extracted from the plant's seeds, is sold in capsule form as a supplement.
In Which Digestive Organ Are Nutrients Absorbed?
The gastrointestinal tract includes your mouth, stomach, small intestines and large intestines.
What Are the Benefits of Buckwheat Honey?
Honeybees that collect and process the nectar of buckwheat flowers create a dark honey characterized by a full, robust flavor. While buckwheat honey can range in color from coppery yellow to purple or nearly black, the average jar is dark amber with a reddish tint when held to the light.
Foods to Avoid When a Stool Sample is Needed
Sometimes the instructions for collecting stool samples can be very confusing. What foods should you eat and which should you avoid? The recommended diet before collecting a stool sample varies according to the test being performed. Some tests do not require any special preparation or dietary restrictions.