How to Control Fever and Shivering in Children
A fever is one of the most common symptoms children experience. While it can be scary when your child has a fever, it is actually one of the body's best tools for fighting infection. Fever helps slow the growth of viruses and bacteria.
Diet After an Abortion
If you’ve had an abortion, your body has experienced the changes of pregnancy and the added nutritional burden of supporting a fetus. Your use of calcium, iron and vitamin B9, or folate, may have increased.
How to Cleanse Your Body Before Dieting
To cleanse your body before dieting, consider changing your nutrition and lifestyle to encourage the elimination of toxins from your body. This can help jump-start a diet because the build-up of toxins in the body can actually slow down or inhibit fat burning.
Side Effects of Spinach
Spinach is loaded with nutrients. Eating 1/2 cup cooked spinach adds 190 percent of your daily recommended dose of vitamin A to your diet. You'll also get 20 percent of your daily value of iron from 1/2 cup cooked spinach. However, spinach can cause some unpleasant side effects if you eat it in large quantities.
Lagom: The Stress-Free Scandinavian Life Trend of 'Just Enough'
Clear the emotional and physical clutter from your life by embracing Lagom like a true Swede. Hint: you probably already have everything you need to be truly happy.
10 Reasons to Embrace Being Single AF
Being single might be seen as a bad thing, but it's actually amazing - here's why you should embrace being single and free!
What Are the Benefits of Oat Milk?
Oat milk is a tasty vegan alternative to dairy milks, and it is also nutritious. Oat milk is made with presoaked oat groats, which are hulled grains broken into fragments. Oat milk features a mild, slightly sweet taste, which substitutes well for low-fat or skim milk.
Dementia in Your 40s and 50s—Early Onset Risks and Causes
It’s rare, but a disease linked with old age sometimes strikes during the prime of life. Find out what's known about signs of dementia in your 40s or 50s.
What Causes Itching in the Anal Area?
Conditions like hemorrhoids and pinworms can cause uncomfortable anal itching. But there are some surprising culprits that also can lead to an itchy bottom.
What Areas of the Brain are Affected by Schizophrenia?
Disruptions in brain structures and brain function may be catalysts for schizophrenia. Here’s what we know about how specific areas of the brain are affected.
Do Your Temples Get Sore With Migraines?
According to the National Headache Foundation, about 29.5 million people in American suffer from migraine symptoms, including soreness in the temples. Temple soreness can be painful and debilitating, interfering with daily activities and relationships.
Electrical Muscle Stimulation, IV Therapy and 6 More Unusual Wellness Trends
Is your wellness style more Los Angeles or New York? Here are eight wellness trends you might just want to try based on your personality.