What Causes Fever and Throwing Up in Children?
Fever and vomiting are common in children but worrisome to parents and other caregivers. In fact, these symptoms are among the most common reasons for taking children to the emergency room, according to a study published in the August 2005 issue of "[Academic Emergency Medicine.](http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.
How to Calm Down in Under 3 Minutes
In this episode of the Stronger podcast, we talk to the founders of the mindfulness app Stop, Breathe and Think. Listen in and learn how to calm your body and mind in real time.
6 Reasons Why It's OK to Break Your New Year's Resolutions
Breaking your New Year’s resolutions doesn’t have to be a bad thing. In fact, here are some reasons it might actually be good for you.
How Long for Your Blood Pressure to Return to Normal After Running?
Running causes your heart to beat faster, which in turn causes your blood pressure to increase. This is due to the velocity at which the blood is expelled from the heart. The pace at which you run, in part, determines your blood pressure.
Normal Blood Pressure Range for Children
When the topic of blood pressure comes up, the focus is usually centered on the health effects and treatment strategies of high blood pressure, or hypertension, in adults. But children can also have abnormal blood pressure readings which can negatively impact long-term health.
The Side Effects of Stopping Birth Control
If you are planning to stop using birth control, you might be in for some side effects. The most obvious consequence is that your fertility may improve, increasing your chance of pregnancy. Other potential side effects depend on the person -- and the birth control method.
12 Health Trends That Are Not Healthy
While some health trends, like eating more whole foods, are worth the effort, others are more hype than fact-based. If you're lucky, an ineffective wellness product or routine turns out to be a simple waste of money or time. In worse cases, these products and techniques pose potentially serious health risks.
7 Signs You Have an Unhealthy Obsession With Exercise
The universal message is exercise is good for you. What you hear less often is that it’s possible to overdo it.
LIVESTRONG's 2018 Wellness Trends Guide
LIVESTRONG.COM's 2018 wellness predictions are in. Read on to find out what's going to be on everyone's radars next year.
Could You Benefit from a Sound Bath?
Sound baths can not only provide deep relaxation and the best night of sleep you’ve ever had, they can also help you feel more grounded.
Different Types of Diaper Rashes in Baby Girls
Diaper rash, also known as diaper dermatitis, is an irritating rash that occurs in the diaper area. Most babies experience this rash at some point, with symptoms that range from mild redness to open sores.
8 Life Lessons You Can Learn From Extroverts
If you think of extroverts as shallow and abrasive, you might wonder what you could possibly learn from them. But don’t make the same mistake many people do by misjudging and dismissing them. Extroverts simply like being around other people. “Being around others actually gives them energy.