#ImPerfection: A Roundtable Discussion About Body Acceptance
Body image is having its big moment on social media. Women (as well as men) of all shapes and sizes have been posting unfiltered images of themselves — stretch marks, belly rolls and all — on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram.
Millennials Are Dealing With a Serious Achilles' Heel
A new study revealed that millennials are more likely than previous generations to put pressure on ourselves (and others) to be perfect.
What Parts of the Body Does Boxing Work?
The power you put in a punch starts with your calves, works its way up your legs, travels across the core muscles, through the shoulders, and out the arm.
Core Strengthening Exercises for Seniors
A strong core can not only make everyday activities easier for senior citizens, but it can also reduce the risk of falls and injuries.
Why Do My Fingers Swell When I Run?
Some finger swelling during a run is normal, but excess swelling may indicate hyponatremia or other serious conditions.
Climbing Stairs for a Flat Stomach
Not only are stairs a fantastic cardio workout, but they can also shred the fat around your waist and leave you with that flat stomach you’ve always desired.
When Can I Restart Running After an Ankle Sprain?
Chances are you will experience an ankle sprain at some point in your life, as this joint is the most common site of sprains on the body. A sprain occurs when a ligament, which joins bones to each other, stretches too much or tears.
Yoga & a Sprained Ankle
A sprained ankle definitely interrupts your practice, but it doesn't mean you have to abandon yoga altogether. Use it as part of the healing process.
Does a Ganglion Cyst Affect Doing Push Ups?
Ganglion cysts can be bothersome, particularly when exercising. Push-ups can be modified to avoid pain caused by ganglion cysts.
The WORST Thing About Condoms — and How One Company Aims to Revolutionize It
Condoms’ limited size options in the past have given way to a new business opportunity: the custom-fit condom in 60 sizes, 10 lengths and nine circumferences.
10 Simple Ways to Be Fully Present in Your Life
Making small adjustments to your everyday life can help you enjoy each and every day to its fullest.
Nicole Kidman's Ageism Speech Is a Declaration of War
Nicole Kidman used the platform of the SAG Awards to declare war on ageism in Hollywood, and she totally killed.