The Benefits of Hard Boiled Eggs for Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight, hard-boiled eggs may help. There are only about 70 calories in an egg, and it's rich in protein, vitamins and minerals.

Can I Eat Chia Seeds While Breastfeeding?

Chia seeds are one of the best foods for breastfeeding moms. They're rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, protein, calcium and other essential nutrients.

Do Whey Protein Powders Cause Gas & Constipation?

High-quality whey protein supports muscle growth. But if you experience protein farts and constipation after you drink your shake, it could be the whey.

Five Stages of Protein Digestion

The digestion of protein requires five steps, each in a specific location. Foods take a similar path regardless of the cooking temperature and portion size.

Are Bacon & Eggs a Healthy Breakfast?

Starting each day with a protein-rich breakfast can help you stay full longer. Offset the calories in bacon and eggs by eating lighter for the rest of the day.

Vitamin B Complex Deficiency Symptoms

Vitamin B deficiency in certain components of B-complex can cause mild to severe symptoms, including dermatitis, cognitive impairment, depression and anemia.

Nutrition Facts for Glutinous Rice

The nutritional value of white rice, including glutinous rice, is lower than whole-grain and has a high glycemic index score. Eat it only occasionally.

List of Foods & Their Nutritional Value

Knowing about food groups and nutritional value of food items makes it easier to eat a balanced diet that protects against disease and improves heart health.

What Can You Substitute for Oil While Baking a Cake?

There are many reasons you might want to swap out oil when baking a cake. Trying to eat healthier? Did you run out of oil? If you’ve never substituted another ingredient for oil in a cake, give it a try — you may decide you like it better.

Nutrition Information for Costco Muffins

Like many of the items found at Costco, the bakery muffins are large in both size and calories. They also contain high amounts of fat and saturated fat.

7-Day Plan for a Liquid Diet

People on a liquid diet should be under the supervision of a doctor to make sure they get sufficient nutrients. Talk to your physician for a personalized meal plan.

List of Foods Containing GMOs

Genetically modified organisms are found in many food products, from corn on the cob to your favorite crackers. Eating organic foods may help limit your exposure to GMOs.