How to Get Rid of Acne in the Pubic Area
Acne in the pubic hair can stop you in your tracks. Not only are the painful, but these pimples can also be really annoying. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help prevent your pubic area from breaking out again.
Reasons for Itchy Skin After a Shower
A shower may leave your skin clean, but if your skin itches after you shower, you probably find them more enervating than refreshing. How you ease this irritating itch depends on what causes it.
The 31 Safest Sunscreens and 3 to Avoid
Think your sunscreen is safe? Probably not. The good news is that there are dozens sunscreens that ARE safe and effective. Check out our annual sunscreen guide for more.
Over-the-Counter Skin Numbing Creams
If you're experiencing pain, itching or discomfort on your body, you may be thinking about trying an over-the-counter topical numbing cream. There are several different ingredients that work to numb the skin. Talk with your doctor to find the best one for you.
Cat Litter Exfoliators, Vampire Facials and 8 Other Gross Celebrity Beauty Habits
Read on to find out whether these wacky celeb beauty secrets are worth your time or if you’re better off sticking with your tried and true beauty routine.
Causes of Chin Hair on Women
If you have extra hair on your chin, it can make you feel self-conscious -- especially as a woman. Understand why it grows there, so you can treat it effectively.
How Soon Can I Change My Belly Button Ring?
There will come a time after you have your belly button pierced that you will want to change the jewelry. In order to avoid health risks such as infection, you must ensure that your piercing is fully healed before trying to change your belly button ring.
How to Get Rid of Dry Flaky Skin on the Face
Dry, flaky skin needs more moisture, the right cleanser and gentle exfoliation. Creating a more humid environment in your home and avoiding the sun also helps.
How to Get Rid of Pimples on Your Legs
Get rid of pimples on your legs by keeping the skin clean, using a topical treatment and avoiding skin irritation.
What Are the Pimple-Like Things Under the Arm?
Unlike hard or rubbery lumps, which you should have checked out by a dermatologist, pimple-like bumps are usually benign and fairly easy to treat.
How to Treat Ingrown Hairs in the Pubic Area
If you shave, wax or use another form of hair removal in the pubic area, you increase the likelihood of an ingrown hair, as the hair is shortened and can more easily bend into the skin.
14 Cocktails That You Can Toast to Your Health With
Alcohol sometimes gets a bad rap, but numerous studies have shown that (when consumed in moderation) alcohol can have a positive impact on heart health and even help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.