How to Make Face Masks With Baking Soda
The same baking soda that freshens the fridge, bloats the bread and wedges some whitening power into toothpaste can also be used as an oil-zapping face mask. This all-purpose powder, which many people already have around the house, is a natural exfoliate that helps calm acne and over-productive oil glands.
What Are the Benefits of Full Body Massage?
Massage involves the rubbing and manipulating of muscles, tendons, skin and ligaments. Massage has moved beyond the walls of your favorite spa to medical settings, such as clinics and hospitals. A full body massage offers multiple benefits, both physically and psychologically.
How to Treat Acne With Hydrocortisone
Acne can affect any area of the body and occur at any age, although it is most common in teenagers and pregnant women due to hormonal imbalances in the body.
Possible Reasons for a Dark Skin Discoloration on the Face
Skin discolorations are common on the skin. For many, they can be birthmarks resulting from simple and harmless factors, such as a highly concentrated spot of melanin in your skin. Other times, though, discolorations can be a cause for concern and may indicate more serious trouble on the horizon.
The Best Bathing Suits for Every Body Type
Not all bathing suits are made equal. This guide will help you identify the bathing suit that best suits your body type.
How to Prevent Jeans from Wearing Out Between the Thighs
Jeans are a staple in many people's closets, and the go-to look on several occasions. However, no matter how much money you spend, jeans seems to wear and tear in the same area first: the thighs.
Can Herbs Help You Get Rid of Ingrown Hair?
An ingrown hair occurs when a shaved or tweezed hair grows in and curves back into the skin, causing inflammation, bumps and pain. While ingrown hairs are particularly common in African-American males between the ages of 14 and 25, anyone who shaves can experience ingrown hairs, report doctors at the Mayo Clinic.
Can You Grow Hair in a Week?
You can definitely grow hair in a week -- just not very much. Hair grows at a rate of 0.35 millimeters per day, so after seven days, your locks will be 2.45 millimeters -- or 0.01 inch -- longer. In a month, though, this adds up to about 1/4 inch of growth.
How to Get Naturally Clear & Glowing Skin for Black Woman
Natural skin care for any skin tone, including black women, is no further away than your kitchen. Black skin has distinct characteristics and typically benefits from extra moisturizing in the form of natural, emollient-rich oils.
Benefits of Bodyweight Chair Dips for Your Triceps
Chair dips are a convenient alternative strength exercise to regular dips. Dips target your triceps, the muscles on the back of your upper arm. Regular dips are an advanced exercise; chair dips are an easier, but still challenging, alternative.
About Rubbing Alcohol on Acne Skin
Rubbing alcohol is commonly used as a disinfectant to soothe skin and clean off bacteria and other pollutants. It is also considered to be helpful in healing acne by virtue of its cleansing properties though this has not been proven through any medical research.
What Makes Breasts Grow Bigger?
The most obvious cause of breast enlargement is puberty. During this period of a girl's life, the ovaries start to produce estrogen. This hormone causes fat to accumulate in the breasts. The accumulating fat causes the breasts to grow outwards until they reach their adult size.