The Healing Process of a Nose Ring

Nose piercing isn’t something new. Nostril piercings are common in traditional New Guinea and African societies, according to the Children, Youth and Women’s Health Service of South Australia.

Benefits of Using a Steam Room After a Workout

A steam bath is a holistic health treatment, geared toward extracting impurities from the body using heat. It differs from a sauna, in that its effect is brought about by the use of wet heat as opposed to dry.

How to Get Rid of Pimples From Rosacea

According to, rosacea is an inflammatory skin condition that results in the formation of red, acne-like pustules on the surface of your skin. Left untreated, it typically worsens over time.

How to Use Bodywash

Bodywash is an effective and convenient alternative to traditional soap. Many bodywash products contain moisturizers and function as all-in-one products, working as soaps, shampoos and shaving gels when necessary. They are more sanitary than bar soap, and are ideal for storing in the bath or for travel.

Home Remedies for Dry, Cracked, Peeling & Bleeding Hands

You use your hands for almost everything you do, from the moment you wake up until you go to bed at night. They're exposed to the elements, constant washing and a vast array of activities. Add extreme hot or cold weather to the mix, and you're likely to have parched hands.

What to Wear to Visitation at a Funeral Home

Death is never a welcome visitor, but there inevitably comes a time when you must say a final farewell to someone you care about. While tradition holds that you should dress up and wear black to a funeral, it can be trickier deciding what to don for the funeral home wake.

Can You Clean Scuff Marks on Patent Leather Tan Shoes?

Patent leather has a shiny finish and is a durable material, but it scuffs easily. Black patent leather shoes won’t show scuffs marks as much as light-colored tan shoes. The slightest run in with a curb or rock, and you’ll be left with a mark across your tan patent leather shoes.

What Is Better, a Money Clip or a Wallet?

Even in the leanest of economic times, top menswear magazine editors note that many men look like big losers because their wallets appear so bulky.

How to Wash Banana & Melon Skins to Get Rid of Fruit Fly Eggs

Fruit flies lay their eggs close to the surfaces of the fruits that they are attracted to. Since fruit flies prefer warm, moist heat, the fruit that you leave on your counter rather than in the refrigerator, like unpeeled bananas and melons, is the most susceptible to fruit fly eggs.

How to Get Rid of Dark Spots From Mosquito Bites

If you've had mosquito bites you also may have little dark spots on your legs or arms. Especially if you have fair or sensitive skin, those little bite marks can take a long time to go away on their own.

Hydrogen Peroxide for Age Spots

The aging process has advantages and disadvantages, and many people would agree that age spots definitely fall into the latter category. They are there for all the world to see and a beacon that middle age has parked itself on your skin. Fortunately, age spots can be treated and eliminated.

Foot Massage and Pain

Foot massage is an effective method to alleviate or decrease foot pain. Dr. Christopher Chiodo of Harvard University, in his book "Foot Care Basics," includes massage as one of his recommended ways to relieve foot pain, adding that the massage can be done by hand or with a mechanical device.