Remedies for Controlling Emotions During PMS
As the menstrual period approaches, some females experience emotional fluctuations and moody spells. The five to 11 days before a period starts are emotionally turbulent for about 75 percent of women in their childbearing years due to premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, notes MedlinePlus.
As the menstrual period approaches, some females experience emotional fluctuations and moody spells. The five to 11 days before a period starts are emotionally turbulent for about 75 percent of women in their childbearing years due to premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, notes MedlinePlus. PMS symptoms are more common in women who have a family history of major depression. The symptoms of PMS often increase as a woman is nearing or over 40 and approaching menopause.
Exercising regularly will help to quell the symptoms of PMS, notes MedlinePlus. Running, biking, hiking, walking, dancing, or swimming for about 30 minutes at least three times a week will help regulate the emotions and possibly improve quality of sleep. Getting at least eight hours of sleep is helpful to maintain a calm emotional state during the premenstrual time period.
If the emotional swings, anxiety and irritability with PMS are severe, antidepressants are used to stabilize the mood. Antidepressant drugs such as selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are a first-step treatment for depression experienced as the menstrual period approaches. Some SSRI drugs used for PMS include sertraline (Zoloft), fluoxetine (Sarafem), and paroxetine (PaxilCR), notes Women's Health. Treatment with cognitive behavioral therapy is also a tool used to fight depression linked to PMS.
Dietary Changes
Including healthier foods and avoiding foods with high levels of salt, fat and sugar will also work to help ease PMS symptoms. Adding healthy fruits, whole grains and vegetables to the diet and limiting caffeine and alcohol will help quell the problems of PMS, notes Women's Health.
Stress Relief Techniques
Stress-relief techniques are helpful in calming the emotions and lowering anxiety in the mind and body, notes Women's Health. Practicing yoga and meditation and using relaxation techniques such as deep breathing will limit the impact of PMS on the emotions.
Vitamin supplements such as B6, magnesium and calcium are often used to prevent and limit the emotional and physical symptoms of PMS, notes MedlinePlus. Speak to a doctor to get an evaluation of vitamin and mineral levels in the body, and then ask him to create an action plan to help the body function at its best via intake of vitamins.
Salt Use
To prevent bloating and the emotional upset it causes during PMS, limit salt in the diet. Bloating distresses many women prior to the period; it adds to the malaise and emotional drama of PMS. A doctor will also prescribe a diuretic drug if the bloating becomes problematic.
Journal Writing
Write in a journal about emotions to keep the mind soothed during the PMS period. Journal writing can be emotionally therapeutic. Writing helps to resolve conflict within the mind, which does much to limit out-of-control emotions that may arise during PMS.