How to Get Your Small Waist Back After Menopause

 by Dr. Robert Petros

Menopause is a transitional period in a woman's life during which her ovaries stop producing eggs. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the hormonal changes that occur during menopause may cause you to gain more weight around your abdomen.

Menopause is a transitional period in a woman's life during which her ovaries stop producing eggs. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the hormonal changes that occur during menopause may cause you to gain more weight around your abdomen. In addition to the hormonal changes caused by menopause, age causes breakdown in muscle tissue. Genetic factors are also thought to play a role. All of these factors contribute to the build up of fatty tissue around your waist.

Step 1

Decrease the amount you eat. A woman in her 50s needs to eat 200 calories less daily than she did in her 30s or 40s. The calories may be reduced by consuming leaner protein sources as well as increasing vegetable and fruit consumption.

Step 2

Increase your aerobic exercises. Walking, running, skating and dancing are all examples of aerobic activities that burn off calories. Consistently doing these activities results in the decrease of the fat around your waist. The President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition recommends 30 minutes of physical activity a day.

Step 3

Train using resistance. As you get older, your body's muscle mass begins to decrease. Less muscle mass causes a slowing down of your metabolism. To combat this change and increase your muscle mass, a woman must incorporate resistance training into her physical activities. Pushups, pullups, situps, weight training, squats and lunges all are examples of weight training. The President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition recommends twice-weekly resistance training.


Surround yourself with loved ones and friends who will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Consult with your doctor before beginning any diet or exercise program.


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