Conception to Implantation Symptoms
Implantation occurs about six to 12 days after conception, according to the American Pregnancy Association. Implantation is the term used to describe the attaching of the fertilized egg to the woman's uterus, an important first step in the process of developing the fetus into a baby.
Implantation occurs about six to 12 days after conception, according to the American Pregnancy Association. Implantation is the term used to describe the attaching of the fertilized egg to the woman's uterus, an important first step in the process of developing the fetus into a baby. Before implantation occurs, a woman may not notice the other symptoms of pregnancy if they exist. If she does notice them, she may attribute them to her upcoming menstrual period.
Breast Changes
The American Pregnancy Association suggests that some breast changes may be noticeable as early as one or two weeks after conception. These changes consist of breast tenderness, swelling and a slight darkening of the areola. It is possible for breast changes to appear after implantation occurs, as every woman is different.
Fatigue can set in as early as the first week after conception, according to the American Pregnancy Association. Women who are still expecting a period may easily dismiss this symptom as part of her menstruation symptoms.
Basal Body Temperature
Tracking the basal body temperature is a natural way a woman can effectively try to conceive a baby. Her body temperature will be slightly elevated during ovulation and remain this way until her period begins. The Mayo Clinic explains that if a woman's temperature remains elevated for more than two weeks, she may be pregnant.
Frequent Urination
Once pregnancy begins, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is produced in the body. The March of Dimes explains that this can immediately cause a woman to have the need to urinate more often.
Implantation Symptoms
Implantation symptoms may be one of the first noticeable symptoms of pregnancy. When implantation occurs, a woman may notice some vaginal spotting and some cramping. This can last a few hours or over the course of a day.