Causes of an Early Menstrual Period
Most women have an idea of when they should expect their next period, but there is always a possibility that it may come earlier than anticipated. Periods come every 23 to 35 days, but a woman may be irregular and start her period early one month and late the next, according to the website 34 Menopause Symptoms.
Most women have an idea of when they should expect their next period, but there is always a possibility that it may come earlier than anticipated. Periods come every 23 to 35 days, but a woman may be irregular and start her period early one month and late the next, according to the website 34 Menopause Symptoms. Early periods usually result from a disruption of a woman's hormone levels.
Women who are constantly anxious, tense, tired or overworked are more likely to have an early period because stress causes their hormone levels to fluctuate, according to 34 Menopause Symptoms. Women who do not have a balanced level of estrogen and progesterone in their body do not ovulate regularly, resulting in an irregular or early menstrual period.
Caffeine is a stimulant that has been known to cause early periods in some women, according to the website Women to Women. Large amounts of coffee, soda, chocolate or tea can throw off a woman's menstrual cycle by altering her hormone levels. Too much caffeine increases the amount of estrogen a woman produces, and excess estrogen can cause a woman to menstruate early. In addition, caffeine may cause a woman to feel irritable and nervous, thus upsetting her natural hormonal balance and resulting in an irregular period.
Poor Nutrition and Intense Exercise
Poor nutrition and over-exercising can block the brain from sending the necessary signals to the adrenal glands to produce cortisol, the hormone responsible for ovulation, according to Women to Women. In addition, extreme weight loss or weight gain can throw off a woman's cycle by causing her to prematurely produce large amounts of estrogen, the hormone responsible for starting menstruation.