Weight Watchers Average Calories Per Day

 by Linda Ray

Every 50 calories translates to approximately one point in the Weight Watchers weight-loss program, according to the Weight Watchers Points Calculator. While not requiring calorie counting per se, the program does rely on reducing caloric intake to generate weight loss.

Every 50 calories translates to approximately one point in the Weight Watchers weight-loss program, according to the Weight Watchers Points Calculator. While not requiring calorie counting per se, the program does rely on reducing caloric intake to generate weight loss.


One pound accounts for about 3,500 calories. To lose a pound each week, you must reduce your intake by about 500 calories per day. For example, if you normally eat 2,000 calories per day, to lose weight you must eat closer to 1,500 calories or about 30 points in the Weight Watchers system.


While you must count points with Weight Watchers, the program's primary focus is to have you fill up on lower-density foods that are low in fat and high in fiber and water. Combined with portion control, Weight Watchers relies on the low-density foods such as soups, fruits and vegetables to provide more food for your calorie counts.

Discipline Required

No matter what kind of diet you follow or whether you count points or calories, sticking to the plan is the most important factor in successfully losing weight. All popular diets, including Weight Watchers, work for those dieters who are compliant with the programs.


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