List of Foods That Burn Belly Fat

 by Crystal Welch

Foods that are lower in calories and saturated fats will provide you with some of the best belly fat-burning benefits, according to the USDA. Eating a variety of protein-rich foods will also help. Basically, the heart-healthy diet as stipulated by the American Heart Association contains many fat-burning foods.

Foods that are lower in calories and saturated fats will provide you with some of the best belly fat-burning benefits, according to the USDA. Eating a variety of protein-rich foods will also help. Basically, the heart-healthy diet as stipulated by the American Heart Association contains many fat-burning foods. In order to reap the greatest results, make certain you eat a well-balanced diet with foods from all groups cites the USDA. Fad diets do not work and, in fact, may eventually harm you.


Dark leafy greens are rich sources of fiber and health-promoting antioxidants. Low in calories and containing zero fat, these nutrient-rich vegetables can fill you up and help to decrease your cravings for more unhealthy foods, cites the USDA. Dark leafy greens include spinach, mustard greens, red leaf lettuce, collard greens, turnip greens and bok choy. Broccoli is another nutrient-rich vegetable.


Fruits are nutrient-rich foods that can contain respectable amounts of fiber while also being low in calories and fat, cites the USDA. Citrus fruits such as grapefruits are recommended for their fat-burning abilities, according to bodybuilder Tom Venuto.

Lean Protein

Protein takes energy to digest, thereby causing our bodies to burn more calories than a variety of other foods, says the USDA. This increased calorie burning increases you metabolism and can help you burn more belly fat. A favorable lean protein source is skinless, grilled chicken or turkey.

Also included in the lean protein category are fish such as mackerel, trout, albacore tuna, sardines and herring. These finfish are high in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids as well as being lower in calories than red meat, cites the USDA.

Dairy Foods

Cheeses are rich protein sources that can help burn belly fat. Choose the low or nonfat versions in order to monitor your saturated fat intake. Nonfat mozzarella cheese contains an impressive 36 grams of protein per one-cup serving.

Egg whites are protein-rich sources that can help with burning belly fat, according to Tom Venuto. A one-ounce serving of dried egg whites contain 23 grams of protein. A fresh egg white contains 11 grams.

Whole Grains

According to bodybuilder Tom Venuto, whole grains should be included in a fat-burning diet. Whole grains supply soluble fiber that aids in digestion. In addition to oats and oat bran, whole grains include barley, whole wheat, brown rice and spelt.


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