If I Lose Weight Will My Double Chin Go Away?

 by Sarah Thompson

When you lose weight you may be able to see fat-loss results in problem areas like the chin. Since you can’t spot-target weight loss on any part of the body, you must lose weight overall. To lose overall weight, you have to start a daily regimen that consists of aerobic exercise and a healthy diet.

When you lose weight you may be able to see fat-loss results in problem areas like the chin. Since you can't spot-target weight loss on any part of the body, you must lose weight overall. To lose overall weight, you have to start a daily regimen that consists of aerobic exercise and a healthy diet. The aerobic exercises will help you burn fat and boost your metabolism, while the healthy diet will contribute to the caloric deficit you need to lose weight -- and lose that double chin.

Aerobic Exercises

Aerobic exercises help you burn overall fat on the body. These exercises include running, jogging, sprinting, cycling, swimming and jumping rope. If in the gym, try getting your aerobic activity by using the treadmill, stationary bike, lap pool or elliptical trainer. For aerobic alternatives, try dancing, hula hooping or a game of racquetball, basketball or soccer. For more adventurous aerobics, look to hiking, cross-country skiing, rowing and rock climbing. Perform aerobic exercises most days of the week. How long your sessions should be and how many exercises per session you should perform depends on your exercise intensity.

Aerobic Exercise Intensities

You can perform aerobic exercises at two intensities: high and low. Perform an aerobic exercise at a low intensity for 45 minutes to an hour. This slow pace not only helps you burn fat, it also helps save the joints from possible repetitive stress caused by high-intensity exercise. In contrast, perform multiple high-intensity exercises for 20 to 30 minutes. This is called high-intensity interval training, or HIIT, which helps you burn a lot of calories and boost your metabolism throughout the day. In HIIT, you select two to three exercises and perform each of them for six to eight minutes, using a two-minute break in between each to drink water and prepare for the next exercise. Alternate intensities for each exercise session.

Accompanying Diet

A healthy, controlled diet will add to your caloric deficit, helping you lose weight. Eating fruits and vegetables will supply you with the energy-producing carbs you need to work out, as well as fiber to keep you feeling full longer. Eating proteins, like lean chicken and turkey breast, will help you build and repair the muscles you worked during exercise. Also, try to substitute healthier options, like carrot sticks and apple slices, for empty-calorie foods, like sodas and cookies. Make these substitutions gradually; this will make you more likely to maintain your diet. Note that specific dietary alterations depend on your current health, diet, fitness level and predispositions for illnesses, like diabetes. Consult a doctor for diet recommendations that cater to your specific needs.


Note that with diet and exercise, the weight on your body will reduce proportionately. Thus, you may lose weight in your double chin, but the weight reduction will be proportionate to the rest of the fat loss on your body. This means the more weight you lose overall, the more likely your double chin will reduce. However, note that with weight loss, you are subject to sagging skin in that area. Consult your physician about procedures or applications to tighten the skin if sagging is a problem for you.


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