How to Stop Diarrhea on High Protein Diet

 by Maura Shenker

A high protein diet can cause gastric distress and diarrhea due to a lack of fiber, an over-consumption of dairy products such as cheese or cream, or highly processed manufactured low carb snack foods. Chronic diarrhea can lead to dehydration and an electrolyte imbalance, causing mineral loss.

A high protein diet can cause gastric distress and diarrhea due to a lack of fiber, an over-consumption of dairy products such as cheese or cream, or highly processed manufactured low carb snack foods. Chronic diarrhea can lead to dehydration and an electrolyte imbalance, causing mineral loss. Severe and prolonged diarrhea causes acidosis and kidney failure. Eating more fruits and vegetables and removing allergens from your diet will stop the diarrhea.

Step 1

Drink water to compensate for the loss of fluids caused by diarrhea. Replace electrolytes by drinking sugar-free coconut water or other sugar-free sports drinks. Avoid caffeinated beverages.

Step 2

Remove all manufactured synthetic food products from your diet. The sugar alcohols used in low carb snack foods are difficult to digest and cause bloating, gas and diarrhea.

Step 3

Eliminate all dairy products such as cheese, milk and whey protein. Twenty-three percent of Americans can not digest lactose, the natural sugar found in milk. Many high protein diets include unlimited dairy intake and the lactose intolerance causes diarrhea.

Step 4

Eat more fiber. Unsweetened psyllium husk powder can be added to water to add fiber without adding sugar or carbohydrates. Fruits and vegetables with a low glycemic index, as well as ground flax seed add fiber and should be eaten daily.


Chose lean protein such as chicken, turkey and fish and plant based proteins such as nuts or legumes to cut down on saturated fat intake.


Food allergies often cause diarrhea. Although lactose intolerance is the most common on a high protein diet, other allergies such as wheat, soy or eggs could cause gastric distress. Diets high in animal protein put extra strain on the kidneys, so be careful about long-term usage.


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