How to Get Rid of a Bulging Stomach
A heavy meal, fluid retention, constipation, premenstrual syndrome and excess body fat are common causes of a bulging stomach. Symptoms associated with abdominal distension include belching, nausea, gas, fatigue and limited mobility. Stomach distention may also indicate a more serious medical condition.
A heavy meal, fluid retention, constipation, premenstrual syndrome and excess body fat are common causes of a bulging stomach. Symptoms associated with abdominal distension include belching, nausea, gas, fatigue and limited mobility. Stomach distention may also indicate a more serious medical condition. If your condition does not improve, consult with your primary care physician for a complete physical examination.
Step 1
Choose a form of aerobic exercise that you enjoy and practice it on a regular basis. Activities such as brisk walking and jogging help to improve insulin resistance and reduce belly fat, according to researchers from the Duke University Medical Center.
Step 2
Increase your fiber and fluid intake to improve your elimination and keep your metabolism functioning properly. Limit your salt intake and avoid eating simple sugars and trans fats that contribute to fat gain in the abdominal area.
Step 3
Consult with a nutritionist or dietician to help you to eliminate excess fat in your stomach and abdomen. Substitute prepared foods and refined sugars with complex carbohydrates and naturally occurring sweeteners such as xylitol and stevia.
Step 4
Eat foods with natural diuretic properties -- such as celery and asparagus -- to help flush water from your system. Limit your intake of gassy foods such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts and legumes that can create gas in your intestinal tract and cause bloating.
Step 5
Develop your core to strengthen your abdominal muscles. Include exercises that work your abdominal, lower back, hips and leg muscles for an overall workout that will tone and firm your stomach.
Xylitol is a naturally occurring sweetener with 40 percent less calories than table sugar.
Excess visceral fat in the abdomen is associated with insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease.
Consult your primary care physician if your bulging stomach is accompanied by more severe symptoms.