How to Get a Smaller Waist in Two Months
Working toward and obtaining a smaller waist shows that you value your appearance. It also steers you away from your susceptibility to health conditions associated with excess fat.
Working toward and obtaining a smaller waist shows that you value your appearance. It also steers you away from your susceptibility to health conditions associated with excess fat. So trimming it down does not only boil down to aesthetics -- it also lessens the risk of developing diseases such as diabetes, apnea and heart disease. Proper nutrition and training can provide you with smaller waist in as little as two months.
The Discipline of Time
Losing weight and improving your physical fitness takes a lot of commitment and self-discipline. You may be working on dropping several inches because you're bordering on overweight or obese, so you're quite eager to lose it within a short span of time. Remember that results take time. However, the time may be significantly reduced with commitment and discipline. Fitness is a lifestyle and must be treated as such every day. If you have proper nutrition and train properly, you can expect to see slight results in as little as two weeks. Continue these practices for two months, and you could lose inches off your waist.
The Issue of Poor Diet Practices
No amount of exercise can compensate for your poor food intake. Therefore, you have to stick to a low-calorie diet within the duration of your diet goal, and if you can turn it into a regular eating lifestyle, then all the better. Avoid fast food, fried food, processed food, junk food and soda, as these are all preservative and calorie-laden and will not provide enough nourishment for the body. Opt for lean meat for protein, fruit and vegetables for fiber, and a moderate amount of carbohydrates for energy. Refrain from stuffing yourself with too many carbohydrates. A carb-loaded meal contributes to weight gain, even if you burn it religiously with exercise. Eat six small meals per day rather than three large ones. This will help increase your metabolism.
There is a misconception that cardio alone can slim you down. Although it aids in weight loss by burning fat and calories, it takes a combination of cardio and weight training for optimal results. You won't achieve your desired figure with plain cardio, but it can defineitly help. Perform cardio 30 minutes per day three to four times per week before weight training. Running, riding a bicycle and using a elliptical or stair or master are all examples of cardiovascular exercise.
Weight Training
There is a misconception that you can spot train an area to lose weight. Weight training helps build lean muscle. Lean muscle helps increase your metabolism. A faster metabolism burns fat and calories faster, therefore leading to weight loss. Perform compound exercises such as squats, dead lifts and bench presses. Compound exercises are the most effective because they incorporate multiple muscle groups at once. Spot training is not effective, but perform core exercises such as planks and bicycles as well. The core is the foundation for your body. A strong core will improve athletic performance and help prevent injuries. Perform weight training three to four times per week for optimal results.