How Long Before I See Weight Loss Results From 30 Minutes of Walking Every Day?

 by Andrea Cespedes

Congratulate yourself on adding walking to your daily routine. This extra activity improves your health and can help you slim down -- how long that will take depends on your intensity and eating habits. Weight loss happens only when you create a calorie deficit -- or when you're burning more calories than you take in.

Congratulate yourself on adding walking to your daily routine. This extra activity improves your health and can help you slim down -- how long that will take depends on your intensity and eating habits. Weight loss happens only when you create a calorie deficit -- or when you're burning more calories than you take in. When this deficit reaches 3,500 calories, you lose a pound. Walking will help you create a mild deficit, provided your calorie intake prior to starting your routine was exactly what you needed to maintain your weight and that you don't add more calories when you do start walking.

Calories Are What Count

The number of calories you burn during your walk depends on how much you weigh and how fast you go. A 185-person going at a 3.5 mph pace burns 178 calories in a half hour, but a smaller 155-pound person burns 149. Up the pace to 4.5 mph, a pretty brisk pace, and the 185-pound person burns 222 calories in the 30 minutes while the 155-pound person burns 186. At any of these paces, though, it'll take two to three weeks to lose a pound -- or several months for visible results to occur. If you'd like to see weight-loss results more quickly -- increase your walking time to 45 to 60 minutes per day and/or decrease the number of calories you consume at meals.


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