Get Strong in 2019 Challenge Day 30: Finish Strong and Take Your Victory Lap

 by Rachel Grice

You've made it! Celebrate your progress to a healthier you. Stay motivated and maintain the habits you've picked up. And remember to share your progress with us!

CONGRATULATIONS! You made it to the 30-day mark! It's time for your third and final progress check, weigh-in and current measurements. Before we get to that, we want to say how proud of you we are. The entire LIVESTRONG.COM team is cheering you on for coming this far! It wasn't always easy, but we hope it was worth it.

Over the past four weeks, you've really put in some serious work, and now it's time to see your results. Step on your scale or share your #flexFriday selfie with pride and confidence. You're stronger and healthier than when you started this journey. You should be excited because your journey has just begun!

Track and Share Your Results

Remember, don't get too hung up on the number on your scale. It's just a number that indicates where you are today. If that number is in line with your goal, then celebrate!

However, if you haven't yet reached your goal — whether it's a weight loss or fitness goals — don't be discouraged. Everyone responds differently, but you're well on your way. Celebrate your progress thus far and use your 30-day progress to motivate you as you forge ahead. After all, this is about making healthy changes that last a lifetime.

Whatever the outcome, we want to hear about your progress! Share with us in the LIVESTRONG.COM Challenge Facebook group or in our community. If you submit your before and after photos, you'll be entered for a chance to win $250!

Here are some tips for taking your "after" photos:

  • Wear the same thing you wore in your before photos. It's easier to compare the changes.
  • Stand against a white or plain background and remove any distraction — you're the star of this show!
  • Use the same poses that you used to take your before photos. If you followed the previous guidelines, that means taking one front, one back and one side photo.
  • Smile! You completed this challenge, and you should be proud of yourself.
  • Save your photos and take even more once you reach the next 30 days. You'll surprise yourself at how much progress you can make.

Read more: 8 Ways to Use Social Media to Win at Life

How to Maintain Your Momentum

Keep going with the new healthy habits you've created — exercising, eating healthy, getting plenty of sleep and drinking lots of water — and be consistent. Remember, you didn't start this journey for a short-term fix; you committed to making lasting changes as part of a healthy new lifestyle.

We're here for you and we've got plenty of ways to keep you engaged for the next leg of your journey. Whether it's taking your fitness to the next level with our STRONGER workouts (try these 10 free workouts for a sneak peek) or trying our 30-Day Abs Challenge and/or 30-Day Push-Up Challenge, the entire LIVESTRONG.COM team and community are here to support you.

Or did you get distracted while participating in our 30-Day Get Strong in 2019 Challenge? Want to restart? Why not start all over again?

Good luck!



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