Can You Lose Hamstring Fat with Exercises?

 by Ashley Farley

Body fat, which includes hamstring fat, builds up when you eat more calories than you burn each day. To lose fat from your hamstrings, you need to reduce your overall body fat because you cannot lose fat from just one area of the body.

Body fat, which includes hamstring fat, builds up when you eat more calories than you burn each day. To lose fat from your hamstrings, you need to reduce your overall body fat because you cannot lose fat from just one area of the body. You can lose excess body fat, including hamstring fat, by eating fewer calories, burning calories with exercise and building more muscle tissue.

Step 1

Build muscle tissue with resistance training for your entire body. Muscle tissue helps your body to burn calories at a faster rate than fat tissue does. Perform a minimum of two workouts per week. Rest your muscles for 48 hours between each workout.

Step 2

Include hamstring exercises in your resistance-training program. Beneficial exercises include the squat, leg curl, deadlift and kickback. To perform a deadlift, stand upright while holding a barbell with both hands in front of your thighs. Bend only at the waist and lower the weight almost to the floor, under control. Stand up slowly and repeat the exercise eight to 12 times.

Step 3

Complete some form of aerobic activity six or seven days a week. Aerobic activity burns calories for fat loss and also helps tone your muscles. Focus on activities that engage your hamstring muscles, such as running and cycling. Your body starts burning fat after three minutes of activity, but make each session last at least 20 minutes.

Step 4

Vary the intensity of your aerobic workouts. Alternate moderately intense workouts with very intense workouts. For example, one day you could cycle at a steady but challenging pace for 45 minutes. The next day you could alternate sprinting and jogging for 25 minutes.

Step 5

Perform circuit training. Choose five to 10 different cardio and strength-training exercises and set a time limit for each exercise. Perform each exercise in a fast manner to burn a high rate of calories and elevate your metabolism. For example, you could do pushups for 30 seconds, jump rope for 30 seconds, do pullups for 30 seconds, run in place for 30 seconds and so on.

Step 6

Go for a walk each day. According to North Carolina State University, walking 10,000 steps a day burns about 500 calories. All else being equal, this will create a 3,500-calorie deficit each week, which will result in losing 1 lb. of fat.


See your doctor before starting a new weight-loss program.


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