Are Eggs Bad to Eat When Losing Weight?
When starting a weight loss diet, eggs are one of the first foods that you may consider omitting, due to their higher calorie and fat content -- and the commonly held belief that they are detrimental to your cholesterol levels and health.
When starting a weight loss diet, eggs are one of the first foods that you may consider omitting, due to their higher calorie and fat content -- and the commonly held belief that they are detrimental to your cholesterol levels and health. However, eggs are extremely nutritious, offering a host of benefits, and can be included regularly as part of a healthy weight loss diet.
In order to lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than you burn. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, lowering your current calorie intake by 500 to 1000 calories per day can help you lose weight. One medium egg contains around 75 calories, which is less than in a medium sized banana. Even if you consume three eggs as a meal or snack, you are taking in fewer than 250 calories, leaving you plenty of room for other food throughout the day, while still remaining within your calorie limit.
A medium egg contains roughly 6 grams of protein. Protein plays a very important role in the body, by helping to build and repair cells, and aiding in chemical reactions. It takes longer for the body to digest protein, meaning that a higher protein diet may help you feel full and stop you snacking later in the day. The Institute of Medicine recommendation for protein consumption is 56 grams per day for an adult male, and 46 grams per day for an adult female.
Health Benefits
Eggs have often been associated with increasing the risk of high cholesterol and heart disease. However, according to nutritionist Dr. Joe Mercola, the cholesterol contained in eggs does not adversely affect blood cholesterol levels, or increase the risk of heart disease. Eggs are also full of vitamins and minerals, such as choline, carotenoids, and vitamins A, E and B-12, which all play important roles within the body.
Incorporating Eggs into Your Diet
Eggs are an ideal choice for a high protein, low carbohydrate breakfast. You may wish to boil, poach or scramble your eggs with a few vegetables or cold cuts to increase the vitamin, mineral and protein content. Use hard boiled eggs in a salad, or make a frittata for your evening meal. Eggs also make an excellent snack choice eaten alone.