A Five Day a Week Workout Plan for Weight Loss
If you want to lose weight, bump up your current workout routine. The key to weight loss is to include interval training with your current cardio program.
If you want to lose weight, bump up your current workout routine. The key to weight loss is to include interval training with your current cardio program. By including short bursts of high intensity activity with your moderate intensity work as part of a five-days-a-week plan, you can burn more calories and start to lose weight. Include weight training with the cardio plan to speed your results.
Indoor Cycle: 45 minutes Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Step 1
Warm up for five minutes on the bike at a comfortable pace. On a scale of one to 10, with 10 being maximum, set resistance at five.
Step 2
Increase your pace to a sprint. Sprint for 30 seconds and then pedal at a comfortable recovery pace for 60 seconds. Complete 10 rounds of 30-second sprints followed by 60 seconds of recovery.
Step 3
Increase the tension to moderately heavy (seven or eight on a scale of 10). Ride for two minutes, 30 seconds. Then stand up with your hands on the handlebars, your feet flat, and your hips over the seat and ride standing for another 2:30.
Step 4
Repeat the sprint portion. Reduce the tension back to five. Complete 10 rounds of 30-second sprints followed by 60 seconds of recovery.
Step 5
Cool down by reducing your tension and speed for five minutes. Once you feel like your heart rate is lowered, get off the bike and stretch your chest, back, shoulders, fronts of thighs, back of thighs and calves.
Running: 30 minutes Tuesday/Thursday
Step 1
Warm up by walking on the treadmill for three minutes. Increase your pace to a jog and jog for an additional two minutes.
Step 2
Run or jog at a comfortable pace for five minutes.
Step 3
Increase your pace to a sprint. Sprint for 30 seconds and then jog or walk at a comfortable recovery pace for 60 seconds. If you are unable to sprint, just speed up your pace.
Step 4
Complete 10 rounds of 30-second sprints followed by 60 seconds of a jog or walk recovery.
Step 5
Cool down by reducing your pace to a walk for five minutes. Once you've completed the cool-down, get off the treadmill and stretch the front and back of your legs, calves, chest, back, and shoulders.
Strength Training: 20 Minutes Two Days a Week
Strength train on the running days, and try to do so before you run. It is not imperative, but by beginning your workout with strength training, you will have more energy to lift heavier weights, which will speed your results.
Step 2
Complete 10 repetitions each of these exercises in this order: forward lunge, body-weight squat, dumbbell step-up, dumbbell chest press, superman, front plank, dumbbell lateral raise, standing dumbbell hammer curl and dumbbell triceps kickback.
Step 3
Move through each exercise, allowing at least 30 seconds of rest in between each set.
Step 4
Repeat another round of all nine exercises with 30 seconds between each set.
Step 5
Cool down by stretching your chest, back, shoulders, fronts of your thighs, and backs of your thighs. Always allow one day of rest in between your strength training sessions.
Always stretch after cooling down from your workout. Use hand weights that are heavy enough to complete at least eight to 10 repetitions.
Check with a physician before beginning any exercise program. Stop exercising if you feel faint or dizzy or experience shortness of breath or pain.