How to Lose Body Fat Without Losing Breast Size
The breasts consist of ducts, lymph nodes, blood vessels and lobes, but they also contain a great deal of fat. When it comes to weight reduction, your body loses fat as a whole instead of in one specific area.
The breasts consist of ducts, lymph nodes, blood vessels and lobes, but they also contain a great deal of fat. When it comes to weight reduction, your body loses fat as a whole instead of in one specific area. However, if you want to spare your breast size while leaning out the rest of your body, you can find moderate success. The goal is to build up your underlying pectoral muscles while burning fat. This will give your breasts a lifted look as you lose weight.
Step 1
Lower your daily intake of calories to promote weight loss. Track your current intake for five days, add the totals together and divide by five to get your starting daily average. Reduce this amount by 500 calories and you will lose about 1 lb. a week.
Step 2
Eat multiple times throughout the day to keep your appetite under control and metabolism elevated. Have a meal as soon as you wake up and eat every two to three hours for the rest of the day. Keep your meals small and base them around healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, beans and low-fat dairy products. A cup of low-fat yogurt with berries mixed in is a healthy meal option.
Step 3
Burn fat with cardiovascular exercise. Choose a form of cardio you enjoy and do it in an interval format. This type of training burns calories at a faster pace than steady duration training. Start with a light warm-up for five minutes, then alternate back and forth between fast and slow for the rest of your workout. Aim for 30 to 45 minutes of training and exercise three days a week on alternating days.
Step 4
Perform chest exercises to build your pecs. Include exercises from various angles to insure you fully target your muscles. The more muscle you gain, the more likely you are to keep your breasts lifted. Perform exercises such as incline bench presses, pushups, decline presses and flyes to target your upper, middle, lower and inner chest.
Step 5
Use adequate resistance with your chest exercises to fully max out your muscles. Aim for a resistance that you can only lift eight to 12 times. Do four or five sets of your exercises and work out on three noncardio days a week. To increase resistance with pushups, wear a weighted vest or weighted backpack.
Step 6
Execute proper form with your pec exercises to obtain the best results. For pushups, lie on your stomach with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and feet together. Push yourself up until your arms are fully extended and lift your hips to form a straight line from your shoulders to heels. Lower yourself slowly by bending your elbows and stop when your chest is right above the floor. Push yourself back up steadily and repeat.
Warm up before doing any chest exercises. Perform five to 10 minutes of light cardio activity.
Don't try to lose weight too quickly. Rapid weight loss can cause a variety of health problems.