Can You Use Creams to Burn Belly Fat?
Fat loss isn't easy. It requires a dedicated diet and exercise plan and permanent habit changes. Because most people are accustomed to instant gratification, the idea of taking the time to burn off stubborn belly fat is unappealing.
Fat loss isn't easy. It requires a dedicated diet and exercise plan and permanent habit changes. Because most people are accustomed to instant gratification, the idea of taking the time to burn off stubborn belly fat is unappealing. Manufacturers of supposed fat-loss supplements recognize this and target their markets with unsubstantiated weight loss claims for their products. Fat loss creams and other topical "fat-burners" are among the worst.
It Just Doesn't Work
The reason that topical fat loss creams don't burn belly fat is simple: Fat loss occurs from within the body by way of a calorie deficit. Your body must burn more calories than it consumes to create a deficit that results in weight loss, and every 3,500-calorie deficit will result in a 1-pound loss of fat. There is nothing you can apply to your skin that will cause your body to create this calorie deficit. Further, there is no way to spot-reduce and target belly fat. You cannot control the areas from which your body sheds fat first.