Can You Make Your Breasts Smaller with Exercise?

 by Judy Kilpatrick

You may be able to make your breasts smaller with exercise, if you burn more calories than you consume each day. This is because the breasts are partially made up of fatty tissue. You can't target your breasts for weight loss, though, as it is impossible to spot-reduce fat.

You may be able to make your breasts smaller with exercise, if you burn more calories than you consume each day. This is because the breasts are partially made up of fatty tissue. You can't target your breasts for weight loss, though, as it is impossible to spot-reduce fat. Aerobic and strength-training exercises can help you increase your daily calorie burn and lose fat from your body overall, including your breasts.

Breast Composition

Women's breasts are comprised of breast tissue -- connective tissue and mammary glands -- and fat. Males with enlarged breasts, or "man boobs," may have a condition known as gynecomastia -- excess breast tissue. An overweight male may also simply have excess fat in the breast area. If you are overweight and desire to lose weight from your breasts, a weight-reduction program that includes proper nutrition on a reduced-calorie diet and an exercise plan can help you achieve your goals. If your breasts are mostly breast tissue, with very little fat, consult your medical provider for recommendations.

Exercises to Make Breasts Smaller

Moderate- to high-intensity aerobic exercises -- such as running, cycling, swimming, rowing, stair climbing, dancing and skating -- burn fat. By doing these kinds of exercises at least five times a week for 30 minutes and decreasing your calorie intake, you can create a caloric deficit to lose fat from the body, including your breasts. Create a daily 500-calorie deficit to lose a pound a week, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Also include resistance exercises, which build muscle and increase your metabolism. Be aware, however, that losing fat from your breasts may cause sagging, which can only be corrected with surgery.


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