How to Correct Scoliosis Posture

 by Brenda Barron

Scoliosis is a condition that can be diagnosed at any time of life, but is most common in teenagers. It is characterized by curvature of the spine, which can cause one hip to be pushed forward or one shoulder to sit higher than the other.

Scoliosis is a condition that can be diagnosed at any time of life, but is most common in teenagers. It is characterized by curvature of the spine, which can cause one hip to be pushed forward or one shoulder to sit higher than the other. Improving and maintaining your posture -- though not necessarily fully correcting it -- is essential for living with scoliosis and preventing the condition from worsening.

Step 1

Discuss your treatment options with your doctor. If you have a severe curvature of your spine, a back brace may be necessary to prevent it from worsening. Undergo treatment or even surgery to repair the damage of scoliosis and increase your chances of having a normal life.

Step 2

Perform stretches in front of a wall. Put both hands on the wall at shoulder height. Your arms and body should make a 90-degree angle with the wall. Stretch your back by pushing into the wall with your hands. Hold for several seconds to fully feel the stretch in your spine and legs.

Step 3

Perform yoga to lengthen and strengthen your spine, which will also improve your flexibility and posture, according to "Yoga Journal.." To do pelvic tilts, lie on the floor with your arms at your sides and your feet flat on the floor. Lift your hips so that your pelvis is lifted up toward the sky. Lower back down with control and make sure your back is touching the floor completely. Repeat at least five times.

Step 4

Do Pilates to improve your posture with scoliosis. According to Pilates Pro, these exercises encourage you to strengthen your core muscles, including your abdomen and lower back, which are responsible for holding your upper body up. Take a Pilates class or watch an instructional video to learn the basics.


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