What Are the Treatments for Reducing Facial Fat?

 by Dr. Robert Petros

Facial fat may be difficult to burn off using diet and exercise because spot fat burning is not possible. Facial fat can only be reduced naturally by reducing general body fat. In some cases, medical intervention is required to achieve the desired results.

Facial fat may be difficult to burn off using diet and exercise because spot fat burning is not possible. Facial fat can only be reduced naturally by reducing general body fat. In some cases, medical intervention is required to achieve the desired results.


Liposuction is a mildly invasive procedure used to remove facial fat. An incision is made on the area of the face where fat reduction is required, and after treatment with local anesthetics and blood vessel constrictors, the fat is suctioned out. Liposuction carries a risk of infection, light scarring, embolism and edema. Liposuction can only remove limited amounts of fat during each procedure.

Face Lift

Face lift is a surgical procedure that is performed under general anesthesia. During a face lift, excess skin and fat tissue are removed from around the neck and jawline. This procedure causes considerably more surgical trauma than a liposuction procedure and has a longer recovery period. This type of surgery has more probability of complications.


Ultrasound procedure uses blasts of energy to liquefy fat deposits on your face. This procedure is possible due to the fact that fat tissue is not as dense as the connective tissue, the vessels or the nerve fibers around it. The fat then is removed naturally by your body or suctioned out after a small incision. This method is has not been approved for cosmetic use in the United States.


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