How to Prevent Facial Moles

 by Christopher Godwin

According to, moles are growths on the skin that usually have a brown or black appearance. Moles are often present at birth, but they can develop later in life, and sun exposure is a common cause.

According to, moles are growths on the skin that usually have a brown or black appearance. Moles are often present at birth, but they can develop later in life, and sun exposure is a common cause. While most moles are not cancerous, all new moles and existing moles should be checked from time to time by a doctor. However, there are some things you can do to prevent the formation of moles on your face and body.

Step 1

Avoid the sun at the brightest time of the day. According to, you should avoid the sun from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. because ultraviolet rays are at their most intense during that period.

Step 2

Use adequate sunscreen every time you go out in the sun. recommends using sunscreen with a sun protection factor, commonly abbreviated as SPF, of at least 15. Apply 20 to 30 minutes before going out in the sun.

Step 3

Reapply your sunscreen every two hours. This is especially important if you are swimming or playing sports where sunscreen can easily come off. Avoid water or excessive perspiration for 30 minutes after reapplying your sunscreen.

Step 4

Wear a hat or protective headgear when in the sun. Protective headgear should not replace sunscreen, but serve to further protect from harmful UV rays.

Step 5

Buy protective clothing that can block UV rays if you have a history of moles and skin cancer runs in your family. This special clothing can be purchased through a variety of online retailers and specialty stores, and many sporting goods stores have started to carry clothes made of UV-blocking materials as well.


Choose sunscreens that are designed to block ultraviolet rays. recommends sunscreens that contain avobenzone, titanium dioxide or transparent or micro-dispersed zinc oxide.

It is important to examine your skin for new moles or changes in moles once per month. New moles or moles that have changed in shape, size or color should always be checked by a qualified doctor or dermatologist to rule out malignancy.


If you have a history of skin cancer and moles in your family, it is advisable that you check your whole body for new moles or changes in regular moles. While your face may be the most common place for mole growth, moles can form on areas of skin that are not typically exposed to the sun as well.


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