What Are the Treatments for a Sunburned Scalp?

 by Katie Leigh

A sunburned scalp can be a particularly painful condition that's likely to peel and flake as it heals. According to the Mayo Clinic's website, it's fairly easy to prevent scalp sunburn altogether by wearing a hat when you're out in the sun.

A sunburned scalp can be a particularly painful condition that's likely to peel and flake as it heals. According to the Mayo Clinic's website, it's fairly easy to prevent scalp sunburn altogether by wearing a hat when you're out in the sun. However, if it's too late, there are several home remedies for a sunburned scalp that can speed your recovery and, in some cases, prevent peeling and blistering.

Green Tea

According to the book "Bargain Beauty Secrets," a green tea rinse can work wonders for a sunburned scalp. The tea can ease the stinging pain and is especially helpful within the first 24 hours. To make a green tea rinse for your hair, pour boiling water over a green tea bag and let the solution steep for five to 10 minutes. Remove the teabag, place the cup of tea in the refrigerator and allow it to cool until it's lukewarm. Wash your hair as usual, using a very gentle shampoo and conditioner. Pour the tea over your damp hair and massage it into your scalp. Do not rinse it out. Green tea also offers the bonus of giving your hair shine.

Aloe Vera

Although applying aloe vera to your scalp can be sloppy, it will cool the burn and prevent peeling. Wash your hair with lukewarm water and dry it with a towel until it's just damp. Gently massage about 2 tsp. of an aloe vera after-sun gel or the sap from the center of an aloe vera leaf into your scalp and allow it to soak it for 30 to 60 minutes. Rinse your hair with cool water.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar's acid content draws the sting out of your sunburned scalp, making it easier to bear when it's still fresh. Make a mixture of one part apple cider vinegar and one part water. Wash your hair using a gentle shampoo and conditioner, then pour the apple cider rinse over your head. Leave the rinse in your hair. You can repeat this treatment up to twice daily until your sunburn has sufficiently healed.


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