Natural Remedy for Sagging Skin on the Face
One of the most discouraging aspects of aging is losing the elasticity in your skin, accompanied by telling sagging skin on your face.
One of the most discouraging aspects of aging is losing the elasticity in your skin, accompanied by telling sagging skin on your face. The good news is that, unlike other muscles in the body, your facial muscles are attached to your skin and so, by exercising your face, you can reduce and remove many of those annoying sags. The following exercises, as presented by Thomas Hagerty, have been found helpful in reducing the signs of aging.
Step 1
Moisten the skin on your face and neck before beginning these facial exercises. Use water, olive oil, anti-aging cream or a facial moisturizer.
Step 2
Work the muscles surrounding the eyes by performing a wink. Refrain from closing the eye tightly, which can cause crows feet, but close it part way instead. Hold the wink closed for one second, open your eye, and then repeat the wink. Do 50 reps of this wink, one to two times daily, depending on your comfort level.
Step 3
Work the front of your neck by placing the body in either a sitting or standing position. Tilt your head back slightly, keeping your chin and nose centered. Press your tongue firmly to the roof of your mouth. This will tighten up all the muscles along the front of your neck. Keeping your tongue to the roof of the mouth, lower your chin toward your neck. To check if your form is correct, make sure the muscle at the top of your neck, directly below your chin (known as the platysma muscle), feels tense as you raise and lower your head. There is no recommendation as to how many times to repeat the motion, just exercise caution not to overwork the muscles.
Step 4
Exercise the muscles in the scalp to remedy sagging skin on the forehead. This is the most difficult of the facial exercises, having two basic movements. Begin with the first motion, by raising and lowering your eyebrows, using the muscles at the front of your head. Next, contract the muscles at the back of your head, which will cause the ears to move back and forward. If you're having difficulty doing this second motion (women find it harder than men), try lying down with your head on a pillow and pulling your ears back. The pillow will help tell you if you're actually contracting the correct muscles and will help you gain more control as you practice.
Do this motion for a few minutes when beginning, then move up to roughly five minutes. There is no set number of recommended repetitions, so the best gauge is what works and feels comfortable for you.`
Consider using a non-surgical face lift product in conjunction with the facial exercises for faster results.