How to Get Rid of Pimples From Rosacea
According to, rosacea is an inflammatory skin condition that results in the formation of red, acne-like pustules on the surface of your skin. Left untreated, it typically worsens over time.
According to, rosacea is an inflammatory skin condition that results in the formation of red, acne-like pustules on the surface of your skin. Left untreated, it typically worsens over time. However, most people affected with this skin condition go through periods of flare-ups and subsequent improvements in the appearance of the skin. Getting rid of the pimples associated with rosacea requires management of the condition itself.
Step 1
Pick up a prescription for an oral antibiotic. According to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, the most effective form of rosacea treatment is oral tetracycline. Other antibiotics, such as minocycline, erythromycin and doxycycline, may also be of benefit. Follow the instructions provided by your doctor.
Step 2
Try a topical antibiotic. Applying a topical antibiotic like metronidazole directly to the areas of the skin affected with rosacea can also reduce inflammation and lessen the appearance of acne-like pustules, explains the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases.
Step 3
Use a cream containing benzoyl peroxide, suggest Much like a topical antibiotic, the acne-like pustules can improve with daily application of benzoyl peroxide-based creams.
Step 4
Talk to your doctor about laser surgery. Laser energy can reduce the size of blood vessels and remove any tissue build-up that's contributing to rosacea and its associated acne-like lesions, advises the Cleveland Clinic.
Step 5
Consider isotretinoin to alleviate rosacea flare-ups. Often referred to as Accutane, isotretinoin is an oral retinoid that's commonly used when all other options have failed to improve the skin condition. Low doses are often given to reduce potential side effects.
Your doctor may also prescribe a cream containing a retinoid or azelaic acid to improve your rosacea. Like any other medication, follow the instructions offered by your doctor for best results. recommends protecting your skin from the sun and weather if you're prone to rosacea breakouts. This included wearing sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or more, as well as covering the skin with scarves or masks in cold weather.
Gentle cleansers can also benefit areas of rosacea breakouts. However, steer clear of astringents, exfoliants and other alcohol-based skin care products, as they can irritate the skin and worsen its condition.
Women shouldn't take isotretinoin while pregnant or trying to get pregnant, as it has been known to cause birth defects.