Can Food Cause Blisters on the Roof of Your Mouth?

 by Derek Buckner

Blisters in your mouth can have various causes, including food. Foods will typically only cause blisters when they are very hot and burn the roof of your mouth. Spicy foods also tend to cause sores in your mouth, such as raw patches of skin. If you develop blisters in your mouth, see your doctor right away.

Blisters in your mouth can have various causes, including food. Foods will typically only cause blisters when they are very hot and burn the roof of your mouth. Spicy foods also tend to cause sores in your mouth, such as raw patches of skin. If you develop blisters in your mouth, see your doctor right away.

Hot Food

Very hot food has the potential to burn your mouth, just as a flame would burn your hand. When your mouth is burned by hot foods, blisters can form on your tongue, the roof of your mouth or the insides of your cheeks. The blisters can make it difficult and painful to eat and drink. Blisters may last for only a few days or for as long as 10 days before healing or breaking open.


There are numerous ways to ease the pain associated with blisters in your mouth, no matter where they are located. Avoid more hot foods and drinks that could aggravate the burn. Stay away from spicy and acidic food that can cause greater inflammation and worsen your condition. Suck on ice chips, Popsicles and other cold items to help numb your mouth before eating or when the blisters become bothersome. Over-the-counter pain relief, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, can also help ease the discomfort.

Other Causes

Food is not the only thing that can cause blisters in your mouth. Poorly fitting dentures can rub your gums and the top of your mouth raw, causing blisters or sores to form. You can also develop sores on the roof of your mouth that may feel like blisters when you initially rub your tongue over the area, but are caused by sharp or broken teeth, a reaction to a medication or a sexually transmitted disease. These may be canker sores or cold sores. Some diseases, such as herpes or syphilis, can cause tiny sores or blisters in various parts of your mouth.


It's important to find out the cause of the blisters in your mouth. If you think you've developed blisters from eating something that was too hot, you should still have your doctor check it out. It's possible to cause serious damage to the surrounding tissue in your mouth. If blisters or sores are present for other reasons, you may need antibiotics or other medications to help remedy your situation.


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