Allergies & Redness in the Face
Allergies are the body's response to substances that can be irritating, including pollen, dust or cigarette smoke. When exposed to an allergen, the body releases histamines as its defense – which in turn causes a number of unpleasant symptoms.
Allergies are the body's response to substances that can be irritating, including pollen, dust or cigarette smoke. When exposed to an allergen, the body releases histamines as its defense – which in turn causes a number of unpleasant symptoms. Allergies and allergic reactions can cause red, watery and itchy eyes, sneezing and runny nose, and in some cases a red, flushed face.
About Redness in the Face
Redness in the face can be caused by a number of things, from allergies to a chronic skin condition known as rosacea. Redness in the face, also called flushing, may also be caused by eating or drinking something hot or spicy; exposure to hot temperatures or strenuous exercise. Redness in the face may be related to allergies or an allergic reaction when the reaction causes a skin rash or breakout of hives, which are red patches that can spread across the face and body. And according to, itchy skin -- which is a common symptom of allergies -- can also be accompanied by redness. And rubbing or scratching your itchy skin may also cause the reddening to worsen.
Allergies occur when the body has an unusually heightened reaction to substances that aren't harmful or threatening. Allergies can trigger difficulty breathing, swelling of the eyes, coughing and itching anywhere on the body. Allergies can be caused by exposure to such allergens as animal dander, strong fragrances or airborne allergens. An allergic reaction occurs when an allergen is inhaled, touched, injected or swallowed, according to Medline Plus. Bee stings, food allergies and medication allergies can also trigger an allergic reaction. Common symptoms of an allergic reaction including itching, skin rash and hives across the neck and face, giving the skin a red appearance.
Rosacea is a skin condition that causes inflammation in the face, resulting in chronic redness of the face. Rosacea triggers include becoming overheated, harsh chemicals or substances on the skin and alcohol use. Rosacea can be managed with lifestyle changes and medications, but can't be completely cured. Rosacea symptoms can be triggered by factors similar to allergens, such as harsh soaps or chemicals that may aggravate the skin, notes PubMed Health.
Rosacea and Allergies
Though allergies don't cause rosacea, the National Rosacea Society reports that allergies can trigger rosacea symptoms. The body's response to allergens can cause flushing, or redness of the face, which is also caused by rosacea. By identifying and avoiding allergens that trigger flushing and/or rosacea, you can control redness of the face.