What to Do If I'm Pregnant and Start Shaking When I Don't Eat?
Pregnant mamas-to-be have a list a mile long of the things they need to do during their pregnancies. This list often includes instructions from doctors of what to do to care for themselves, which includes eating healthy, nutritious and balanced meals and snacks throughout the day.
Pregnant mamas-to-be have a list a mile long of the things they need to do during their pregnancies. This list often includes instructions from doctors of what to do to care for themselves, which includes eating healthy, nutritious and balanced meals and snacks throughout the day. Your body needs a regular supply of nutrients and fluids to continue supporting that growing baby. When pregnant women don't eat, they can start to feel shaky, dizzy and light-headed, and might even faint because their blood sugar gets too low.
Low Blood Sugar
A common cause of shakiness when pregnant women fail to eat throughout the day is low blood sugar, says Parents.com. This occurs because pregnancy changes the way the body processes sugar and causes levels to drop too low without regular meals and snacks. Low blood sugar also can make you feel dizzy and light-headed, and make your arms and legs shake.
The best way to prevent and stop shaking that appears to be related to not eating is to eat. If you feel nauseated or don't have much appetite, try nibbling on bland foods throughout the day to avoid getting too hungry and your blood sugar dropping too low. Snack on fresh cut fruits and vegetables, whole grain crackers or maybe part of a peanut butter sandwich. When you feel yourself start to get shaky, sit down and ask someone to bring you some water and a snack. Eat, drink and rest until you feel better, and remember to keep nibbling throughout the day.
Drinking Fluids
It's also important to remember to drink plenty of fluids throughout your pregnancy. Failing to drink enough can cause you to feel shaky or dizzy because of dehydration, says Baby Center. If the weather is warm or you're working out and sweating, make sure you up your fluid intake. Otherwise, drink at least eight to 10 glasses of water each day to stay properly hydrated.
Calling Your Doctor
If your shakiness subsides once you've eaten and continue to eat regularly, there's probably nothing to worry about, but it won't hurt to mention it to your doctor at your next visit. If you continue to feel shaky, dizzy or even faint, call your obstetrician to her know what's going on. Visit your doctor if your shakiness is accompanied by bleeding, unusual headaches or any tingling or numbness in the body.