Two Months Pregnant Symptoms
At week 8 of pregnancy, you enter into the final third of your first trimester. During this time, the symptoms of pregnancy -- other than missing a period -- begin to emerge. Your body is working hard to nurture a new life, producing hormones to support the pregnancy.
At week 8 of pregnancy, you enter into the final third of your first trimester. During this time, the symptoms of pregnancy -- other than missing a period -- begin to emerge. Your body is working hard to nurture a new life, producing hormones to support the pregnancy. When it comes to specific symptoms, women experience pregnancy differently, and even the same woman may report different symptoms in separate pregnancies. Early symptoms may include nausea, fatigue, breast soreness, mood changes and more frequent urination.
Nausea and Fatigue
Most women experience nausea and/or vomiting in early pregnancy. In addition, many women report bloating or constipation during the first trimester. Even at this early stage, many women feel fatigued. More of your metabolism is devoted to support the rapid development of the new life within. This, in conjunction with hormone changes, can make you feel less energetic.
Breast Soreness and Mood Symptoms
Breast enlargement and soreness are common by 8 weeks. Hormone changes are primarily responsible, causing the breasts to grow to prepare to produce milk. Mood symptoms are common in pregnancy and may occur as early as the first few weeks. Many women report experiencing negative mood symptoms during their pregnancies. Far fewer are clinically depressed, but hormones do not seem to protect from depression, and life stress, lack of social support and domestic violence can increase the risk of depression during pregnancy.
Other Symptoms and Follow Up
Other common symptoms may include increased urination, weight gain, food cravings and dizziness. Always consult with your doctor if you suspect you may be pregnant or are planning to become pregnant.