The Frequency of a Baby's Kicks in the Womb at Six Months Pregnant

 by Sara Ipatenco

For many women, the first time you feel your unborn baby move is one of the most wondrous parts of being pregnant. Toward the middle of your second trimester, you'll feel the first fluttering movements of your baby, but by the sixth month, those movements will turn into noticeable kicks.

For many women, the first time you feel your unborn baby move is one of the most wondrous parts of being pregnant. Toward the middle of your second trimester, you'll feel the first fluttering movements of your baby, but by the sixth month, those movements will turn into noticeable kicks. You'll notice that your baby kicks you more often, too.

Sixth Month Stats

Though your baby began moving early in your pregnancy, she was far too little for you to feel it. Between the 13th and 16th week of pregnancy, many women begin to feel fluttering movements, which are called quickening. Some women don't feel these movements until weeks later, according to the American Pregnancy Association. By the time you reach your sixth month of pregnancy, your baby weighs about 1 and 1 1/4 pounds and is about 10 to 11 inches long. This larger size makes it easier for you to feel your baby's movements, and you'll likely feel them more often.

Enjoy Baby's Antics

When your baby first starts moving, you won't feel kicks or movement very often. As you reach the sixth month, however, your baby's larger size means that you'll feel her moving around a lot more often. These kicks will occur more frequently and you'll feel them more strongly, BabyCenter notes. You'll probably notice that your baby is more active at certain times of day, such as when you're sitting still, after you've been physically active or after you've eaten.

Welcome Those Kicks

Though your baby might jab or kick you hard enough for it to get uncomfortable, welcome those movements. When your baby is moving around, it usually means that she's healthy and growing normally. Feeling your baby move also allows you to bond with your baby, the American Pregnancy Association notes.

Counting Kicks

After the 28th week of pregnancy, doctors recommend that pregnant women begin counting their baby's kicks. In addition to promoting a bond with your baby, keeping track of your baby's kicking habits can help you or your doctor determine potential problems. According to the American Pregnancy Association, you should feel 10 movements in two hours, though you'll probably feel more than that. If you haven't felt 10 movements at the end of two hours, call your doctor. You should also call your doctor if you notice your baby's movement patterns decreasing noticeably, according to the American Pregnancy Association.


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